(no subject)

Apr 30, 2009 10:39

*sigh*  The comedienne Maria Bamford is coming to Bloomington at the beginning of May and I has no money.  This makes me a sad-panda, er, crow.  Crow-panda.  Cranda, pandow, hmmm.  Maria is a crazy-ass, neurotic comidenne (redundant, I know) who's HBO special engendered in me a mini star-crush.  *wistful sigh*  There's nothing quite like a blonde who talks in a crazy voice while talking about cults.  Since I can't sit at a grimy table while sipping over-priced drinks and laud her from nearly afar, I must content myself with this youtube clip.  And, y'know, subject the rest of you to it as well.  Heh.

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