Digging up the Past

Oct 13, 2009 20:02


Name seven of your characters/muses.
(all are OC)
1) Balu (Baluphus-Sarah)
2) Will (Story with Casey)
3) Yasuo (Atanara) 
4) Sabine (Story with Casey)
5) Nameless Soilder (Story in Development)
6) CELIA!! (Treasure Story)
7) The Guardian of the Third Path (Atanara)

Dear God I don't have titles for anything.

What do you do with them?
Write all of them. Nothing serious. I use them as escapes from day to day life. With Casey and I 's little thing we had going, we would write notes back and forth, in the point of view of various characters. It's about a Queen and King who are seperated and their children and what they do. It's cool, I promise. Atanara's my love. I feel like I'm spelling that wrong though. Treasure Story is my second love which I have big plans for. Story in development has no real plot, just a few characters here and there.

Do you feel close to them?
I will forever love the Guardian of the Third Path. I don't give myself another choice. And Balu always remains special to me.

Do you believe they're real?
It helps with the God's story, with Sarah. It's nice to think about them from time to time, thinking about how this is what they're doing, or oh, this god's making this happen.

Are any of them dating each other?
Sabine and Will...kind of.

Have any of them ever been killed?
Will gets killed off, much to Casey's displeasure.

Have you drawn them?
Oh god yes. Every single one of them. Well, except for the Guardian of the Third Path. I can't draw old Indian men.


About number one:
Balu, the Goddess of Temptation (and I forgot the other half of her title...). A very troubled, damaged bag of goods. God bless her.

What do they do for a living?

What do they dress like?
Sexy. But, it's the allusion of skin. She likes umpire waisted dresses, tight at the top, poofs out just under the chest. Shows of shoulders, mostly. Wears her hair in any way she wants, no particular style. She likes to wear pale colors. Whenever I draw her though, I imagine her wearing a pale yellow dress. Her hair's brown and I think it's a nice color for it.

Who is their best friend?
Chloe. I think that's really the only person that can count as her best friend, and not a potential love interest, no matter how pure or unpure it may be.

How would they respond to abuse?
Well. I'm not sure. She'd deal with I suppose. She's sort of a troubled lady, likes to take on things herself. Or people. And sort of absorb problems till she can't hold it in any longer, then let it...well, sit there and fill up more of her with more problems and self-loathing and sex.

Do they have any nicknames?

Are they seeing anyone? Married?
Oh if you only knew. Yes. Later. With Sarah's character, Sailiphus.

What species are they?

Do they eat meat?
Well. Yes. Why not?

What kind of accent do they have?
However gods talk? I've never really thought about it before.

Are they a virgin?


About number two:
Will (see Sabine, # 4)

What's their middle name?

How old are they?
20+ maybe? There's not much development in his character.

What's their favorite hobby?

What's their sexuality?
Straight. For Sabine.

Any special powers?
Nope. Not that kind of world.

What religion are they?
Catholic, probably. But, one of those peasant catholics who just does what they're told and follows it like it's a school text book and not something you're actually supposed to put faith into.

Do they get ridiculed?
Hell yes. Sabine makes sure of that. and stuff.

What species are they?

Who are their friends?
I'm sure he's got some friends around the town, but I've only ever written him with Sabine and her family.

Have they ever wanted to kill someone?
They have. Joins the King's Royal Army. Hard to avoid killing people that way.


About number three:
YASUOOOOO, a stuborn, quiet little Atanarian kid who just wants this goddamn Earth chick out of his house.

What color is their hair?

What is their ethnicity?
Islander, almost asian but not. Tan, asian eyes. But, it's not the same.

What is their favorite food?

Do they have a nice singing voice?
He wouldn't sing, even if he did have a nice voice.

Have they ever hurt someone?
Well...yeah, I suppose so. He's a boy, isn't he? Boys are always hurting other people. Friends mostly. But, him and Edwal (that's such a stupid name. I need to change that) pretty much beat up on everyone in the little town, especially Kiora when she comes around. But, you know, it's just normal teasing. Then he and Edwal get into a fist fight. Which is fun to write. I like that scene...

Are they a virgin?

Are they single?
I think of him that way. Of course, one day he'll end up with someone, but I can't think of him as being a character with a lady.


About number four:
I FUCKING LOVE SABINE. There's a common theme with my favorite characters. Women. Independent. Stuborn. And a little bit crazy. Sabine's the daughter of a king, but her mother ran away when she was pregnant and now she lives out in the country, completely oblvious of all that. She follows after her brother when he joins the army, and Will (from above) follows after her.

Are they male or female?

What is their favorite color?
Sabine doesn't fuck with colors.

Who is their worst enemy?
Doesn't really have one. Just sort of the war is her enemy.

What sort of clothes do they wear?
Anything functional. Something that can't move around, travel in.

Where are they from?
A little town, but original a castle

Are they in a relationship?
She and Will are..supposed to happen. That's what Casey wants. But, in my version, they end up together for a month or so and then he dies in battle. And she's sad. I don't know why I want this to happen, but I do. And it does.

What would they do if they were held at gunpoint?
Panic for a few moments, then try and talk them out of it. Maybe fight back. Probably try to be the hero.


Number five:
Namless Soilder

Are they magic in any way?
Nope. He's quite normal. Average. Actually, I got the idea by calling him the Pawn. I wanted to learn about chess and make a story based on the idea of chess. But then i decided I wanted the Pawn to be something more then a pawn in his army's plan to do bad (and stuff) and overcome it. It's developed more from that, but still. He's a loser, of sorts. Indifferent and totally useless.

What religion are they?

Do they have any kids?
No. Got close to getting married but she dumped him when he leaves the army, shaming her in society. It's very 19th century.

Has anyone close to them ever died?
I'm sure. But, I haven't gotten that deep into his past yet.

If they were an animal, what would they be?
Something smart, but totally useless.

What sort of TV programs do they like?
Wouldn't watch TV even if he had it.

What is their fondest memory?
Ah...I really wish I had more of his back story developed.


Number six:
CELLIAAAA! Another bitch character. She's from a rich family, spanish-like heritage, very beautiful. But falls in love with the family's accountant and is sent to be a nun. She runs away from the nunnery and runs into the main characters of the Treasure Story where everyone hates her and brings her along simply because Elroy has the hots for her.

What number would represent them?

Where are they from?
A manor on the shores of the eastern side of their rather large island country. Family isn't really important in ruling the country. That's really the church's job. But her family has a lot of money.

Do they consider themselves pretty?
Oh god yes.

How often do they sleep?
Do they daydream?
When the time is right.

What is their sexuality?
Straight and totally into guys.

Do they have any hobbies?
Knitting, singing, dancing, reading, and talking.


Number seven.
The Guardian of the Third Path

Do they like being outdoors?
Hasn't been outside since he was appointed the Guardian of the Third Path. But, originally, he came from Earth, from India. Then, he found a rip in "reality" and was transported to the other worlds, beyond the Milky Way, and became the first person to start the communications between the worlds (earth and the other worlds). But. Yes. He likes to be outside.

What's their personality like?
Friendly, but brief. Very frank. But very understanding and kind. Like any old man who has seen almost everything and knows how the world works. He can see what people are going through and understands them. He's a sucker for young adults. He knows how hard it is for them and simply wants to help them along. But, if someone steps out of line...well. He's like any old man who just wants things to go according to the plan and wants to live life peacefully. Unfortunately, he has to deal with the most troubled people of the entire universe every day, guarding them through the Third Path. Simplicity and peace are hard to come by.

Do they hate anyone?
Probably. But, I don't know much about his past.

Do they have a crush? Who?

Are they intelligent?
Yes. Very.

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