Jul 04, 2007 15:13
hello all. i know the pig has sickened you for many moons now. i have boldly, on the 4th of july no less, decided to write again!
i suppose mike and i should have a lot of updates since last september...we have had a few aussie visitors since then. em and her friend dave were out in november for thanksgiving. they gave raucous thanks and em gave the poker tables in vegas what for. dave did his part by gorging on prawns at the buffet. donald and annii were in town in april and they did a lot of birdwatching. they even saw the elusive trogan three or four times in madera canyon. and dear michael bailey (the mike you like) was out at the beginning of june and he neither gambled, overate or birdwatched. he did learn how to make an excellent margarita.
oh updates. i'm boring you already LJ crowd! it's summer here and mike is out at night sneaking around the desert capturing lizards and snakes for science. i have a new-ish job as the director of community prevention education and outreach at the southern arizona center against sexual assault. my brother lives with us now and he is an entertainment/tv reporter for the arizona daily star.
ok, before your brain turns me off i will endeavor to tell you something interesting. the other day mike and i hiked to the highest point in arizona--mt. humphrey's. it was a gorgeous hike and was high enough to be above the tree line for the last couple of miles to the top. at the summit we were greeted with a storm of busy, distracting flies that ruined an idea of a picnic. one fly managed to fly its way into my nose and i was immediately transported back to oz and to the simpson desert where a fly in the nose was the norm. and it's times like these when i really miss you, australia :)