
Jun 06, 2008 02:37

The last few days of school have been great. I graduated today; I don't think I'll ever forget it. I can actually play the occasion like a movie all over again. I didn't cry until the very end when I was getting ready to head out of the venue, and I was saying bye to my orchestra teacher of four years. I really didn't think I'd cry. haha. I'm looking forward to a lot: summer, meeting new people, renovating my room, learning how to drive my jetta, making $$$, and pretty much accomplishing everything on my summer of 2008 to-do list(which I'm actually going to type down another day); it gets very specific. Heck, I'm even looking forward to starting school in the Fall. I must admit, the last month went by pretty slow and it's all been pretty hard, but the gratitude I've received was well worth the wait and work. I'm going to have SO much time this summer. Here's to starting new things, growing up,living to the fullest and changes.. GOOD ones.

There are A LOT of pictures from this week. Enjoy ! :P

Music Banquet

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