Garden Report

May 24, 2010 07:58

Things are looking good in the extensive perennial gardens at beautiful Wynderly. The spiderwort is about to bloom and the Rose Campion is next. Salvia is growing like crazy, not blooming yet. The two false mallows that I planted last year are suddenly getting big, the balloon plant has emerged (they show up late and I'm always worried), the Russian sage is growing, and the hyssop! Well, let's just say that it seems to like where it is. The bee balm is growing tall and strong, but not very branchy. This is its first year, though, so this won't be a fabulous year for it anyway. One of my established lupines is blooming, two more baby lupines are looking good. Two delphiniums are sprouting from bare-root plants that I put in in April. The Monkshood is sprouting. The three obedient plants are beginning to flower (they won't look like much this year, though; too new) and the Veronicas seem to have taken root very nicely. The echinacea are coming up, as are my two Asian lilies, and of course the bright red Asian lily beetles are also making an appearance. I seem to have acquired a sea holly somewhere; I don't remember planting it, but I'm pretty sure that's what it is. I'll have to see if it flowers. That way I'll know for sure. The Oriental poppies are going to bloom any minute. I have lost a lobelia somewhere, but the new one seems to have settled in nicely. The forget-me-nots still look pretty good, but they are setting seed. I think next week I'll have to start pulling them up, which will give me a better look at what is actually going on; the forget-me-nots are very dense and they'll be hiding things.

ETA: I forgot to mention the columbines that are blooming right now, and the astilbe which will be blooming any minute. The false indigo is much happier since we took down the dying maple tree and is budding very satisfactorily.

In the back the peonies are about to burst, and the fuchsia rhododendrons are making their usual gaudy display. My clematis got frost-bitten and died back, but I think there is a new tendril coming up from the root. The rose is very strong; no sign of black spot yet! Keep your fingers crossed!

Pictures when this transition is over.

house, garden

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