Good Party!

Mar 08, 2009 20:25

Dang. Missed another day. I had a good excuse, though.

Last night was our annual neighborhood progressive wine tasting. Five households volunteer their homes and provide some wine and munchies and we spend 5 hours going en masse from one house to another. The night becomes progressively more hilarious, too, as we go. Since we're all on the same block we walk, so there are no problems with drunk driving. Last night, however, it was pouring rain and the lightning and thunder were crashing all around. The sidewalks were awash, so we all straggled down the middle of the crown of the street, cheerfully splashing through the puddles. The last couple of years we've scuffed through the snow, under the big trees, in the light of the streetlamps. The rain was a noteable change.

We were House #3. We served wines from Oz and New Zealand, all of which were well-received. I wouldn't know; red wine, just one glass, gives me a pounding hangover. I used to be able to drink red wine, but not anymore. And now white wine is beginning to do the same. I had one glass of white at the first house (Italian wines, I think) and after that, it was water. Sadly. But it did make it easier to wake up an hour early after a late night and sing with the choir this morning!

It was, as usual, a great time. We have great neighbors and a wonderful neighborhood.

house, night life, nablopomo

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