Here's my most recent entry to
adayinmylife. w00t.
This was Saturday, December 1st.
10:06 AM - Time to awaken.
Leftover pizza from the previous night's cast party and fruit drink = breakfast of cham'peens.
Must take these as well, as they are the only thing that's been keeping me alive (and with a voice) this week.
10:43 - Check the LJ friends and other regular internet places. Jane Eyre owns you. Don't deny it.
And a pic of my magnet board, because I'm a broadway whore.
11:06 - Got a DVD to send out from
SwapaDVD. Add the post office to my list of errands.
Boots. Why? Because I love these boots and wanted to take a pic of them.
It's around 35 outside, and with my cold, hats and scarves are essential.
My baby.
11:21 - Ready to go.
First stop: The post office to mail my DVD.
11:50 - Second stop (actually, the main reason for this outing): The library book sale. I like books. Better than crack. I like these book sales because I can get lots of books cheap.
My selections. Yes. I love Susan Elizabeth Phillips.
12:16 - Stop at McD's on my way home for a coke because I'm dying of thirst.
12:25 - Home again.
Mail's in. w00t. A big pile of packages from
PaperbackSwap and
SwapaDVD have come in all at the same time.
It's like freaking Christmas unwrapping them. Wheee!
Must add all of my new books to my "To Be Read" er... shelf. Yep. That's it. 101 books and always changing.
12:42 - Shower tiiiime.
Out of the shower. I must remember to take this now or I will be a zombie for the show tonight, which is no good.
12:56 - Check in the books and DVDs I've received and sent on
PaperbackSwap and
1:20 - Oh look! A midget has invaded my house! My niece, Lexi. I usually watch her on Saturdays, but my mom is on vacation, so she has baby watching duty.
Did I mention Lexi's a camera whore? And she has a dirty face.
1:38 - Time to waste time. Gamessss.
3:18 - Watch a bit of TV. Cash Cab. I heart Cash Cab.
While I knit. My cousin asked for a knitted blanket for Christmas, so that's what I'm doing.
3:47 - Read a bit.
Oh look, a passed out midget.
4:13 - Easy Mac. Lunch of cham'peens.
4:34 - Read a bit more. I read around 5 books at the same time, so... yeah.
4:58 - Hair time.
Ah. Nice and straight-ish and not frizzy. Good hair.
5:06 - Getting ready to leave. Mom is working on... something.
And Lexi's still being a camera whore.
This time I take mom's Tribeca, because we had to store all of the props and costumes in it last night (the play is in a church and they had a function that morning and we had to clear out everything and go set up again).
But first, some ice to scrape. Freezing rain is loverly.
5:26 - Arrive at Paul's house, so we can go over to the church and unload.
Hi Paul.
5:42 - Arrive at church and wait for church lady to show up with the key to let us in. Meanwhile Paul poses for the camera. Whore.
5:57 - We're in. And unloading.
6:12 - I run home to grab my makeup and stuff and switch cars.
6:23 - Then meet the family at Parkside Deli for a quick dinner before the show. Hi family.
6:58 - Time to get back to the church and to my dressing room station.
The stage is set for the play. Ain't it purdy? I decorated the tree all by myself.
My voice hasn't warmed up enough from my cold, so I play my solos on the sound system to warm up. This is the cabaret cue list.
7:14 - The rest of the cast has arrived.
7:37 - First act makeup. Scary, eh? Blame Paul, he did it.
7:49 - Ten to curtain. All dressed and done up in my "mother" costume, and what I like to call my Carol Brady wig.
We're all ready to go.
8:49 - Intermission. Time to change into cabaret costumes and MY OWN makeup. No drag queen shit.
And now for a series of very bad self-taken pictures.
"It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas" costume, complete with cheap elf hat.
"O Holy Night" costume. Yes. I knitted the hat and scarf myself.
"Winter Wonderland" costume.
"All I Want for Christmas Is You" costume. My personal favorite.
9:39 - Show's over. Time to meet and greet. They were playing some strange country song and we were attempting a line dance.
Lexi's in the audience tonight. She liked the show. And she's still a camera whore.
My aunt and my mom.
Dressing room shot. Time to pack it up.
9:48 - I'm out the door. Good show tonight, but I don't want to hang around.
Random stoplight shot.
And I'm starved, so I stop and get a very late dinner.
10:21 - I'm home to my completely ass-ugly but so-very-very-comfy chair for some relaxation after a long night.
10:56 - Mom and dad get home. Lexi's staying the night, so dad changes her into her PJs.
And mom's cooking at midnight. Why? Not sure.
I work on a bit more knitting to unwind.
12:41 - Off to bed, for I have another of these shows tomorrow.