Jun 23, 2004 21:32
holy crap... lol what a week. i started work and let me tell you it is horable. if i wasnt so freakin money hungry id quit and sleep the summer away. i honestly think id have a better time.
and hell i think im loosing my liscense anyways. yea that stupid accedent... the lady whos car it was is really being a bitch about it. i guess she directly called the Macomb Sherif Dept. instead of just the police. so yea shes basically trying to get me in deep shit. theres already a HIGH risk of me loosing my liscense. my mom was talking baout selling my car. and all the costs... i CANT pay for all that. i just cant. and we are gonna need to hire an atorney and have court time because that bitch lady had my ticket pushed all the way to the head of the dept of transpertation. what a bitch...
but yea im way passed upset, freaking out, and pissed... i just dont give a shit right now. i swear im just gonna take off... i want to, but i know i would make it too far. and the car isnt in my name yet so yea :-/. not really any chance of that happeneing.
this sucks big time, i got a knot in my stomoch, my "friends" seem to have forgotten about me, and im already wore out from work. and oh yea i have work again tommarow and fireworks with a buncha my dads friends all night...:-/. woo hoo... NOT
well yea max doesnt like me, cant say im surprised. i did feel kinda shitty about it before but why should i? im kinda used to it. oh well.
right now i dont give a fuck about anything really becuase i feel so screwed over and pissed and mad and just like my minds runnign a blank becuase of all the bullshit going on.
i dont know, im out for now.