Sep 29, 2004 21:23
This school year is flying by, it's so unbelievable! We have one week and five days till exams start, what is with that? Already? I mean come on?! Halloween is already here.. well pretty much. I already have friends asking me what I'm going to dress up as. Our Parish Fair is already here, it started Monday! It just seems to early for all this stuff... My mom and I filled out my Senior ring order form.. this is all coming to fast. It's like taking my breath away. It's so crazy. I can't even imagine how my mom feels, her oldest daughter is getting ready to go off to college.. Wow.. that sounds... weird. My grandparents are having a hard time believing it, I know that.
Well because of me going to leadership school I was promoted to a second lieutenant.. I'm happy, cause it looks good on me hehe.. I had to wear my uniform today, it didn't really bug me that much. We have a competition this weekend, not really looking forward to getting up at 6:30 in the morning! On a Saturday! Oh well, Barbie Guard is going to whoop... well whatever Dustin's teams name is.. And Dustin also has a bet with one of his friends - that goes to the school we're going to - that one of our teams will come home with a trophy. Hehee, of course we will! We are the Bulldogs! Lol! We shall have some type of victory this weekend lmao! Kaylin will bring fried chicken and all of us on Barbie Guard shall eat from the fried chicken so we shall bring home a trophy! Barbie Guard shall rule again this year and then go to Colorado for Nationals! YES!
Timmy promised me a flying walrus also.. I want my flying walrus. But I want it to be rainbow colored!
Tomorrow night we are going to the fair, one reason cause its dollar night, and another reason cause mom isn't working and no school Friday because of the fair. So we are going. Kassie has like four people that is going to go with her. Tim might be able to go, I'ma try and get more people. Because Kassie doesn't like to ride the rides. Tim will. Lol. I sound like I'm using him, but I'm not.
Today at lunch Pam, John, Michelle, CJ, Anthony, and I figured out everything. We have this big inside joke, I don't know how it was started.... it just was but anyhow. Ok, well Pam and John are going out, then the rest of us are just really good friends. Ok now heres the thing, we are all one big incested family lmao! Here's the list:
CJ/Anthony-Brothers/Son In-Law/Father In-Law
CJ/Me-Father/Daughter (By CJ and Richelle)
Michelle/Anthony-Father/Daughter (By Melinda and Kaylin Just Don't Ask..)
Pam/John/Me-Grandparents/Granddaughter/Parents In-Laws/Daughter In-Law
I am also older than both CJ and Richelle, but Pam and John adopted me when I was three for CJ and Richelle when they were two.
I think that's it... hmm.. confusing isn't it? At lunch that's what we call each other. Like I'll call Pam Mawmaw lmao. I have no idea how this was started but its hilarious!
1. I have a freckle in lots of places
2. I've only thrown up I don't remember how many times, but not once this year
3. I've only been to three big concerts, two was a fest, one was the Beach Boys when I was like one or something lol.
4. I used to be young...
5. I have a birth mark in-between my eyes that gets really red when I get angry and pink when I get embarrassed or tired.
6. My first loose baby tooth, my grandfather wanted to get a set of pliers to pull it. My grandmother pulled it before he got back.
7. I've only lived in four states and I've never been out of the country
8. For my sixth birthday I had a party at the zoo in Indiana.
9. I dont have a thyroid
10. I live less than a mile from my school, and right in between two city limits
11. I've been bucked and thrown off of many different horses, many different times
12. I've never been unfaithful to any significant other no matter how bad my situation got.
13. I've never been in an accident, just very close to many.
14. I was almost left-handed but my mom kept making me use my right hand when I was little
15. I can tie a cherry stem in my mouth with my tongue
16. Whether I'm alone or not I sing constantly.. either in my head or out loud
17. I'm scared to death of spiders and drowning in a car
18. I have never flown in a plane
19. If I could eat Ryan's everyday, I would
20. I've never killed anything bigger than a bug