The five people were loaded for bear. Each of them carried at least two guns that she could see

May 23, 2009 21:29

# 36: Resident Evil: Genesis by Keith R. A. DeCandido:

She moved toward the doorway, all the while wondering at the absurdity of instinctively knowing the word vestibule, yet taking five minutes to remember what a wedding ring and a bathrobe were.

Cautiously, she walked closer to the statue, now really wishing she had the codes that would allow her access to those guns.

Synopsis: novelization of the first Resident Evil movie.

I'd been feeling a little something lately, a little something lacking, and I do believe that something might be zombies. This was the closest thing to hand. A couple notes:

--book sucked

--zombies not anywhere in book til 180 pages in (book 277 total)

--book sucked

--how do you screw up a decent movie? Hm, I can think of 277 ways.

On the plus side, it took only three hours to read, one more than watching the movie. On the downside, those three hours could have been oh so much better spent.

books, science is fiction, books of suck

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