Ch-ch-ch, ah-ah-ah

Jul 13, 2007 23:11

Ts-ts-ts, au-au-au...

I'm still up watching movies. Friday Fear Fest, to be exact, featuring that classic of the cinema, "Friday the 13th Part VII: New Blood". AMC loves itself a theme.

Which started me thinking. I like the Friday the 13th movies (and slasher movies in general) but I love sea monster movies. If my day goes to crap, it can always be rescued by Deep Rising. Or Ghost Ship. Or Deep Blue Sea. Or Pitch Black (which is, yes, technically a space monster movie. But stay with me.) Or Gunmen (also no water-borne monsters, unless you count the bit where Dani Servigo is dipped in the river from under the helicopter). Or The Phantom. Which has no sea monsters. Yeah I've lost the thread of this thought.

Anyway. I decided to try to meme: what are your top five comfort movies? I tag everyone reading this, but most especially hello_cleveland, soulswallo, amonitrate and vettha. Go!

sea monsters, slasher movies

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