Feb 16, 2010 14:19
Well, thanks to Joss Whedon, I get a terrible kick out of getting to say, "Olivia, are you ready for your treatment?" every 4-6 hours.
Yesterday we took her in to her regular pediatrician for an examination. She was actually slightly worse than she was on Sunday, but they suspected that it was likely due to just the whole thing progressing normally. Thankfully, there was no more poking and prodding and blood draws, though they are concerned that she's having an allergic reaction to some food as her skin is terribly and she has a pretty glorious rash on her chest.
But one issue at a time...
Once again though blood oxygen was perfect. She has no fever, which puzzles everyone, and while she's not as energetic as she usually is, she's still pretty chipper and seemingly well...
Her wheezing was greatly helped by another round on the nebulizer, and so we are basically going to be OK with home treatment for her, since these rather normal interventions and treatments seem to ease her symptoms a bit.
They sent us home with a round of antibiotics, and a portable nebulizer for her. It's basically now just giving her nebulizer treatments every 4-6 hours, keeping her on the antibiotics, giving her Tylenol for the chest pain, and keeping her comfortable and monitoring her.
My mother's paranoia wouldn't let me leave her side all day yesterday, but by evening she was MUCH better. Her cries are no longer as weak and crackly as they have been, they're now more hoarse and seal-like barking. Even though they're still just heartbreaking to hear, they're a lot better than weak, barely-there cries.
So far the only big issue that we've had is the albuterol has a definite stimulant effect on her. So she's having a hard time falling asleep after getting her treatments, so basically tries to fall asleep and then is all wide-eyed why can't I sleep? pathetic-looking for about an hour after.
Anyhow, she's doing a lot better, and we're very thankful for all the well-wishes and whatnot. I'll keep you all posted.