Mar 10, 2004 14:07

Thursday is writing your life story!you're more
concerned with the bigger issues of life rather
than high school drama. this is all well and
good, but don't get so caught up in your
figurative language that it seems like you're
speaking Nepalese. like that's a language.

Which Band Is Writing Your Life's Story?
brought to you by Quizilla
um.... sure Thursday is....riiiiight....

Yes kids, I am alive believe it or not. It's been forever cause I'm never home. I try very hard not to be and am succeeding quite well. I'm very happy with my boy and this is causing some minor turmoil. Mainly that being of whether or not to return to Hofstra. The more I think about it, the more I don't want to go back to school there. Not just because of Josh but because I was never truly, completely happy there. Yes, I have some amazing friends that I will severely miss, and I would still wanna visit, but to live there might be too much for me to go through again. For the first time in a very long time I am unabashedly gleeful, whether it's because of Josh or CA, I don't know, maybe it's something I finally found in myself, who really knows about these things, all I know is that I smile more than I have in a long time w/o being drunk and I'm not willing to give that up. Maybe by the time fall rolls around I will regret this decision, and then i can just go back again, but until then, I was born here, raised here and will die in Southern California. Btw, it's been hitting high 80's low 90's here and i have a sunburn, and not from snow glare. WORD UP NYC!!!
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