Woo! ME3 Faces!

Feb 15, 2012 15:11

Finally was able to open the tray and get my codes! XD

PIC SPAM!!! (Not really spoilery, but I did take a few pics of the text)

Callie ended up having dark brown hair instead of light brown.  That's OK. Head!Canon Calleigh has the darker anyway. :3 But damn is she pale.  The pale in the previous games looked pretty.  She just looks... dead. And it's not even on the last setting.  Gothic Shepard is Gothic? I may tweak her a bit later and lighten up her hair and darken her face a bit.

Damn, girl. You did get soft. Look at that double chin! But. EARS! NOM NOM NOM I'm loving this new hairstyle even though it's parted on the wrong side.  It looks so cute on everyone!

Also, the resolution makes the hair look black, but it is the darker brown on the screen.

Also: Freckles! HEE! ^____^

LOL My great picture-taking skillz. I liked the angle of her face in this one. I wish I had gotten a better shot.

Kitty didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped. :/ Her hair color is all wrong. And her eyes: They creep me the fuck out.

I tweaked the hair color, but I'm still not happy with the way she looks. :/ I'm hoping she imports much better.  She looks awful in the game. The bun was always severe, but now it's just... gah. Do Not Want. :(

I don't have Kara's face code since she was an import and I never tweaked her in ME2. I am so worried about her now especially since she will importing in all her scarred glory, and I don't think I'll be able to update her without losing her scarring.

Linda Gail didn't look like herself AT ALL. D:  Linda has mixed Asian and African heritage with dyed blondish hair. She didn't transfer all that well into ME2 --her cheek bones could cut glass like woah-- but at least it was her.

I had to give her a major edit in the demo. Her eyebrows came in black. Her lips were waaay too small and the lip color didn't transfer.  Her eyes came as the very last blue/purple color instead of brown.  Her face was off too - way too wide. And her nose was tiny. She looked like a white girl with a deep tan. D8 Totally not what I wanted.

After a major facelift, she looks much better and looks more of what I imagined her to look like in ME1. She still kind of looks like a white girl with a deep tan to me, but she's getting there. I may experiment more with the face shapes. None of the 'Asian' eye types look right with the shape of her face as it is now.

The demo's lighting does not like dark-skinned Shepards. :( Which was the reason Callie and all her paleness was created to begin with in ME1. The lighting looks like it has gone back to the first game with a mix of ME2.

Also: Am I the only one that thinks the new default looks derpy? I'm glad she got her own trailer and all, but damn.  They could have just tweaked the original default instead of giving her a whole new head. And the femShep bodyform: LOL The thighs are so thick and don't really match the rest of the body. O.o I miss the old bodies. There were curves, but the curves made sense.

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photos, spoilers, femshep, achievement unlocked!!, mass effect, gaming

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