Secret Wars Stuff

Jul 03, 2008 21:53

A little bit more ideas as they ran through my head...  I don't want this story to be romance with a little drama thrown in, I want action from the beginning....

Illyana Rasputin - Called Winter or Snowflake in the story.  She is also 18 in the story.  Bold, blonde, bombshell.  She is a natural shielder.  She and Katherine (the clone) were good friends as children and when she is united with Kitty, she is surprised that they have such similar personalities.  Kitty and Illyana become best friends.  Her mutation was created to be similar to Kitty's but, like Kitty, her mutation did something weird with her skin and her skin shifts to organic steel like Colossus.  She does not have any family in the story.  There will not be a mention of this verse's Piotr, although I have not fleshed her character out enough to know if that will effect her personality.  She was the first that Magnus and the rebellion freed and also of greater interest to Windsor.  Windsor also created a clone of Illyana but her abilities differ from the original and the clone may not have survived... I haven't decided...

Jubilation Lee - Called Judy Lee or Jubilee in the story.  She is younger than the other girls.  Same personality as 616, but since she hasn't been introduced in 616 yet, no one really knows her.  She is an energy magnet - violent energy (from men/women wishing to do harm, death, dying, etc.) effects her deeply and she has seizures after throwing flames.  Although most of the other girls who are not natural psy-shielders, are also effected by violence, her natural psy converts that energy into heat energy.  Any other energy, she can convert to light energy - similar to Dazzler.  She will be have a "mate", I just haven't figured out who.  I was thinking Synch because I always wanted them to get together, but I may do James Proudstar - er, John Proudstar? - the original Thunderbird - I've got to go back and do research.  There will be greater angst character development if I have a character that died in 616 and then they're faced with having to deal with his death all over again.

Allison Blaire - Called Ally or Dazzler in the story.  I haven't decided on her age just yet.  She may be already working with Magnus and the others of the rebellion at the start of the story.  Her psychic abilities give her the ability to convert sound energy into light energy, however she is not a shielder.  As Longshot is not a part of this story, I've got to give her someone else to "breed" with.  Suggestions welcome.

Magnus is a shielder.  That is all I've been thinking about him...

Xavier is a brain in a bowl with a computer hooked up to him.  I may do something similar to the "Tin Man" version of "The Wizard of Oz" (from the Sci Fi channel) with it, though I haven't fleshed out the story enough to really know exactly what the plot is going to be.  He will be called Cerebro.  "I was once Charles Xavier.  I am called simply 'Cerebro', now."

Sunder will make an appearance.  As will Callisto and Caliban, although I've got no idea what to do with them.

I like what I've been learning about Pete Wisdom.  I may throw him in.  I could have a love triangle between Kitty, 616-Piotr and Pete, similar to what was my interpretation of what was going on between Piotr, Zsaji and Johnny Storm.  Kitty would be torn, but because this is a Kiotr story would end up sacrificing herself for Piotr and that would add some character growth for Wisdom and 616-Piotr.

On a completely different note - I have always hated "The Wizard of Oz", but the "Tin Man" miniseries from the SciFi Channel a while back was cool beyond words.  And Alan Cummings martial arts/switching back to no brain stuff was just wonderful.  That is all.

kete, illyana rasputin, love triangle, secret wars, kiotr, fanfiction, kitty pryde

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