8 days till I barf... er... close... on my house... yeah

Mar 15, 2009 19:01

The boxes are stacking up.  Progress is being made.  Kind of.

And I think that I must have the worst case of ADD ever.  I pack part of a box; I go to look for something that will fit just right into the space that appears (out of no where, I swear), and, lo and behold, I start another damn box with the thing that will fit in the space of the other box.  Then I leave and go another room and start yet another box with items that will definitely not work in the boxes that I've begun in the other room.  Then I stop in the middle/get interrupted/etc., and then I forget what it was I was doing. ...grrr...

Chaos.  Absolute chaos!  I'm usually much more organized.  It's got to be the nervousness of wondering what the hell is going to happen to us once we get down to Florida.  Everything (except the fact that our house is no longer ours after the 23rd) is up in the air at this point.  But we both know that we want to leave Kentucky, and we think that we aren't supposed to be up here.  Where we end up is up to God.  And the money we get when we close will also decide.  It will work out.  I just don't know how it will and that's what has me so nervous.

We went down to Florida last weekend to look at homes that will allow our babies. Just as soon as we get the paperwork back from the realtor down there, we'll have made good progress.  I can hardly wait to be below the frost line (though it did freeze a few weeks ago, but I wasn't there, so I don't think it counts.)

Wash, rinse, repeat... *insert crazy laugh here*

Closing date: 3/23/09
Move out date: 3/27/09
Today's date: 3/15/09

Things to do:
Close on house in Kentucky
Get hired in South Florida (yeah, I know, a tricky, tricky thing, but the classifieds down there have odd jobs, clerical, & even some management--and we sold our house in a week--anything is possible)
Sign papers for option purchase in South Florida
Reserve U-haul truck and towing thingy Decide on the size truck we need to rent and a towing thingy for the Jeep
Pack up all 10 rooms, garage apartment and garage for a (minimum) three one (one, damnit, one!) day move U-hell drive to South Florida
Remain Sane

Things that have been done:
FOUND A HOUSE!! And we can afford it! (after we start getting paid)
Movies, check
games, check
crafts, paints, sewing goodies, sewing machine, check
dolls & their things, check
hubbies collectibles, check
purses, bags and shoes not in use, check
sanity, okay so far slipping
books, er, sorta check!
xbox, *cries* okay, I unpacked it... Mass Effect is so much crack...
clothing not in use, check
crap in closets, check
china and dishes not in use, check
junk drawers, check
plastic food containers crap, check
hubby's tools, mostly
random decorator items, pictures, mostly

Rooms left:
All I have no clue but it's safe to assume basement, kitchen/pantry and the little crap scattered around and hiding behind the mountains of boxes

rant, florida

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