Mass Effecting (Part 2)

Mar 01, 2012 18:48

Concluded Callie's ME1 playthrough in the weeeeeee hours this morning. Got 4 hours of sleep then got up and brainstormed on a doll project in between MY BODY IS READY and Boot Camp Thursday posts. Also played a little over an hour of ME2.

NG+ Callie Shepard
Sole Survivor
Starting Level 53
Current Level 60 (SQUEE)
End Time over 69 hours (I forgot to write down the time before I imported)

Finished Quests
The First

Finished Quests Cont'd
Geth Incursions - Gave data to Tali
Garrus: Paragon'd
UNC: Cerberus - Found Kahoku. ;__;
Investigated Banes death after Kahoku died so I didn't get a chance to ask him anything about Banes (Also: Kahoku has children and fought batarians. :| ALL MY FEELS)
Feros: Spared Shiala, No colonists killed, Reestablished water, got the food and the power cells and took care of the geth in the tunnels
Feros: Recovered Gavin Hossel's mod-design data
UNC: Exogeni Facility - took the bribe, Dr. Ross lives (Calleigh was tired of killing things at this point; Kaidan and Ashley both had problems with it)
UNC: Colony of the Dead - complete
Therum: Liara retrieved after Feros - I didn't get her fun crazy dialogue :| I could have sworn if you don't pick her up right away and after Feros - I did a shit ton of sidequests before even getting to Feros. More than half of them, I think. She should have been crazy. :/
Virmire - Wrex lives, Kaidan sent to lead the salarian team, Ash's boom stick with me until she wasn't, Ash armed the bomb and Callie saved Kaidan and Kirrahe's team - head!canon: needed witnesses to back up what Callie said about Sovereign
UNC: Hades' Dogs - Kahoku avenged
UNC: Derelict Freighter - creepy huskified ship - Kaidan hacked the system to find out what happened to the crew
Noveria: Lorik Q'inn kept data and black mailed Anoleis, spied on Rafael Vargas for Mallene Calis (her resemblance to one of my sisters is uncanny!), gave Opold's package to Inamorda
Noveria:  Blew up the quarantine labs because the doctor expected a soldier to be able to mix a bunch of chemicals together without making them go boom cured the scientists of the Thoros-B contamination, got attacked by an asari after she smarted off to Callie, Kaidan and Liara, then broken into the sealed labs - Taking Liara made my playthrough drastically different. I don't remember getting misty-eyed before (ALL MY FEELS LIARA) - the movements were pretty plastic, but the voice acting was pretty stellar - It's been a while since I did the missions in this particular order - usually Liara's near dead last
Noveria: Rachni queen saved with Liara arguing that they needed to be saved and Kaidan implying about the acid tanks
Noveria: blew the Hot Labs - I forgot to do the renegade option that makes Kaidan say, "RTFM, ma'am" and Liara answer with, "What?" ;__;  Oh well, FOREVER HEAD!CANON!
Kaidan called Udina a bastard when the Normandy got grounded =D
Kaidan was still very cautious about his relationship with Callie (more so than I remember from other playthroughs - don't think I missed any conversations but I didn't double check them) - and she didn't renegade him into almost admitting he loved her :/
Mr. Keeler's assistant will be handling the negotiation with the salarians - Callie paragon'd and renegaded him when he was being difficult
Took neutral way out with Charles Saracino - Callie doesn't play politics
Anderson punched Udina !!!!!!
UNC: Listening posts completed, Rachni taken care of
UNC: Depot Sigma-23 taken care of
UNC: Besieged Base - only one colonist died because Callie shot a container - blamed herself in front of Hackett
Eletania - explored ruin with Kaidan and Liara and Callie got knocked on her ass when she got zapped by the Prothean sphere
Lovins: Callie doesn't want a pet - Kaidan didn't seem to be expecting that answer =D
Found the Conduit - Boy did they EVER
Council Saved
Callie took the neutral route and let the politicians decide - Shouldn't have taken this option. :/ Only two choices in ME2.

Legue Medallions 10/10
Salarian ID Tags 3/3
Prothean data discs 10/7 (got 3 more than I needed lol)
Asari Writings 13/10 (got 3 more than I needed lol)
Minerals (after I hit level 60, I stopped exploring - I had the UNC listening posts and Depot Sigma-23 still to do and the end run):
Light metals 27/20
Heavy Metals 31/20
Rare Earths 29/20
Gasses 7/6

Primary squadmates until Virmire: Ashley and Kaidan; after Virmire: Kaidan and Liara

Took the elevators almost everywhere - got more chats between Kaidan and Ashley than I got with Liara and Kaidan - ^______^ LOVE TRIANGLE FIRMLY CEMENTED

Also got Kahoku's dead news more than once ;_____; MY FEELS

I regret not renegading Kaidan into a more human-centric POV during this playthrough, but it doesn't work for Callie's story. I currently have no hardened Kaidans. :c If anyone happens to renegade him and play with him in ME3, would you let me know if there are any differences? (after I've played through ME3, of course)

I did not realize just how many we encountered. Until I encountered them.

Callie had to play politics going into ME2. :|   :|   :|    :|

Forgot how short the love scene was.

Virmire decision was HARD. ;__;

Liara said she only was interest in Shepard professionally, but she did seem to harbor sekrit feels. Actually enjoyed some of the dialogue with her more than I have in past playthroughs.

And that's all I can think of right now.

update, femshep, mass effect, gaming

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