LMFAO, I came across this "interesting" conversation between me and the sexy giraffe from a little while ago...she said she was gonna put it in her lj...but didn't so here goes nothin'!
ASOUEchik: oprah!
ASOUEchik: she wears a 10 1/2 shoe!
Fred has slacks: are you kidding?
Fred has slacks: hahaha
Fred has slacks: wow
ASOUEchik: lovely nugget of info from hanging out with mum all day
ASOUEchik: lmfao
Fred has slacks: wait...
Fred has slacks: ok
ASOUEchik: i have huge feet too
Fred has slacks: haha
Fred has slacks: i was gonna go
Fred has slacks: how did you know that?
Fred has slacks: haha
ASOUEchik: lmfao!
ASOUEchik: ;-) i love oprah
Fred has slacks: i actually wouldnt mind being her, shes a rich ass woman!
Fred has slacks: lol
Fred has slacks: now do you think oprahs pretty?
ASOUEchik: lmfao
ASOUEchik: i do
ASOUEchik: hahahahaha
Fred has slacks: yeah
Fred has slacks: see
ASOUEchik: lmfao
Fred has slacks: oprah has people thinking shes pretty
Fred has slacks: and she's like 50 years old
Fred has slacks: and shes still got the groove
Fred has slacks: shes probably being layed as we speak... eww... *slaps myself*
bad stephanie bad gross!
Fred has slacks: ewww
ASOUEchik: LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ASOUEchik: EW!
Fred has slacks: well scratch that!
Fred has slacks: haha
ASOUEchik: omg you dirty little giraffe
Fred has slacks: hahaha
Fred has slacks: CHANGING THE SUBJECT!! hahahahaha
Fred has slacks: goodness
ASOUEchik: lmfao!
ASOUEchik: thank you
Fred has slacks: well
ASOUEchik: hahahahaha
Fred has slacks: anways
Fred has slacks: lol
ASOUEchik: she has money though
Fred has slacks: yeah i know
Fred has slacks: lucky woman
ASOUEchik: ;-)
ASOUEchik: she can pay all those male hookers
Fred has slacks: hahaha
Fred has slacks: i know
Fred has slacks: she can pay like 20 of 'em
Fred has slacks: lol
ASOUEchik: lmfao!
ASOUEchik: for one night!
ASOUEchik: that's one buys entrepeneur
Fred has slacks: hahahahaha
ASOUEchik: *busy
ASOUEchik: i cant spell
Fred has slacks: oprahs probably a crazy kinky maniac
Fred has slacks: lol
ASOUEchik: lmfao
Fred has slacks: i mean working with dr. phil and his hotness...
Fred has slacks: hahaha
Fred has slacks: wow yeah totally kidding hehehe
ASOUEchik: lmfao!
ASOUEchik: oh yeah, he's a sexy animal
ASOUEchik: rawr
Fred has slacks: hahaha
Fred has slacks: ME-OW
Fred has slacks: hahahahaha
ASOUEchik: i love 800 year old southern men who pretend they know stuff!
Fred has slacks: hahahahahaha
Fred has slacks: -a day in the life of dr. phil-
Fred has slacks: he gets up
ASOUEchik: lmfao
ASOUEchik: oh god...
Fred has slacks: drinks some vodka
ASOUEchik: lmfao
Fred has slacks: then he gets dressed and is staggering around his trailer park
house because his millions are blown on cheap hookers and expensive booze and
ASOUEchik: lmfao!!!
Fred has slacks: then he put on a fake mustache and gets a fake doctors ID that
he killed before making his career really big and writing his first book, that
he really stole from another man that he as well killed
ASOUEchik: lmfao!!!!
ASOUEchik: dr phil the murderer
Fred has slacks: then he get in his stolen farari and drives his fat ass to work
where he has his secretary girlfriend there and they just hang out and do drugs
in his office until oprah comes in and tells him in a ghetto voice to get his
lard ass on stage
ASOUEchik: lmfao!!!!!
Fred has slacks: so he goes on and says a bunch of mumbo jumbo that he has made
up for him by a man he's blackmailing and then with his sallery money for the
day he goes and buys drugs and a few lap dances at the local strip joint
ASOUEchik: lmfao!
Fred has slacks: he then returns home to his beaten wife and children he smacks
them around
Fred has slacks: and then drinks and drugs himself to sleep for a brand new
morning day
ASOUEchik: lmfao!!!!
ASOUEchik: omg
ASOUEchik: dr phil
Fred has slacks: hahaha
ASOUEchik: lmfao
ASOUEchik: wow
ASOUEchik: we should write a full-blown story of that man!
Fred has slacks: i know hahaa it'd be so great
ASOUEchik: lmao!
ASOUEchik: Alias:Fill Legraw
ASOUEchik: ;-)
Fred has slacks: hahahaha
Fred has slacks: he was probably a male hooker too beofre everything, before
that a female hooker before he spent all the money on a sex change and a few
hundred donuts lol
ASOUEchik: lmfao!!!!!!!!
ASOUEchik: omg yes
ASOUEchik: hahahahahaha
Fred has slacks: lol
ASOUEchik: he was once Fiona Mc Donald
Fred has slacks: hahahaha
ASOUEchik: daughter of Ronald Mc Donald
Fred has slacks: hahahahahahahhahaa
ASOUEchik: fastfood tycoon
Fred has slacks: ronald mcdonald
Fred has slacks: hahaha
ASOUEchik: ;-)
ASOUEchik: he was an ugly-ass bitch
ASOUEchik: hahahahaha
Fred has slacks: thats where he gets his chub
ASOUEchik: lmfao
ASOUEchik: all those soggy fries
ASOUEchik: go straight to the...neck
Fred has slacks: hahaha
Fred has slacks: the neck haha definitly
ASOUEchik: lmao
Fred has slacks: oh wait no sammi. he doesnt have one!
Fred has slacks: hahaa
ASOUEchik: lmao!!!!
ASOUEchik: what would you call that tree trunk?
ASOUEchik: a...chineck>?
Fred has slacks: hahaha
Fred has slacks: i suppose
Fred has slacks: lol
ASOUEchik: hahahah
ASOUEchik: he's a freak
ASOUEchik: like dr phil has internet taps
Fred has slacks: haha most definitly
ASOUEchik: that are triggered whenever we link him to sex change and ronald mc
ASOUEchik: and he's gonna send the kentucky mafia after us
Fred has slacks: hahahhahaha
Fred has slacks: oh man
Fred has slacks: they'll be like
ASOUEchik: lmfao
ASOUEchik: !!!
Fred has slacks: hahahahahahahahahjahahahahhaa
Fred has slacks: n' them 'coon hounds!
ASOUEchik: lmao!
lmao, we're freaks. WOOH!