NaNoWriMo (yay!)

Oct 18, 2009 00:15

So, National Novel Writing Month is almost upon us. 50,000 words, 30 days. I've done this all but one year since I first learned about it in 2003. Last year I 'won' for the first time, though I'd come close before.

This year I am, of course, doing it again. The story is a steampunk-esque science fantasy set on a world made almost entirely of water, with various chains of archipelagos. The main character is an old RP character, and the world and basic idea are just modified from their original versions. Elia Sindra is an In-Tune "Seer", someone who can see the past and future in their sleep, and remember them on waking. There are other types of In-Tunes, but as the story focuses on her, I'll leave those for the reading later.

I do actually plan to have friend-locked posts each time I complete a chapter, for those who might be interested in reading it. I'll even create a custom group, so if you want to be in on the reading, just lemme know here, 'kay?

Anyway! terioncalling and I were at the mall in town today, when we decided to go by Barnes & Noble so she could drop off an application. While there, on one of their little end bits, I saw a section titled "Writing a Novel in a Month" and went to investigate. I'm thinking to myself, "Wow, they know about NaNo and are prepping locals for it. That's awesome!" There's just one problem. When I go over there, there's a specific book that is missing. One that I feel is integral to the very idea of writing a novel in a month. That book would be Chris Baty's No Plot? No Problem!. Chris Baty, for those unfamiliar with NaNo, is it's founder. He wrote the book specifically to help the thousands of people who participate in NaNo each year. Interestingly enough, after six years, I still don't have a copy of this book. It's $15, and B&N has only one copy, which I find ridiculous.

I fully intend to purchase it, if it's still there when I get money.

I'm also the area "liaison lite" for NaNo, which should be fun. Next weekend is the first meet for our area, for a brainstorming session, and I look forward to meeting some of the Wrimos that I've never met before. I also am about to start working on setting up the kick-off party. terioncalling and I also hope to be able to make it to the state's kick-off party, which, when first mentioned, was actually a day or two prior to the actual start of NaNo. Perfect!

Anyway, enough rambling. Like I said, if anyone wants to read my silly NaNo stuff as they're updated, just leave me a note here and I'll create a custom filter for posting. ^^

writings, reality, random, nano

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