My Tweets, and other news

May 31, 2009 21:19

Okay, so, I've decided to put my Twitter auto-posts behind an LJ cut from now on, as quite a few friends don't seem to like them. At least this way you'll know. If it still bothers everyone, I'll stop the auto-posting entirely. I was letting it post because, well, I do make random comments on Twitter throughout the course of a day, but... I also know that some of these comments will seem rather one-sided, as they're replies to other people. So! I've just set it up to where it won't even show the replies to other people, only the random things I say on my own. And you won't have to read them unless you click on the LJ cut. And we all know I don't put LJ cuts in my real posts unless it's to hide something spoiler-ish or whatever. And definitely not at the beginning of the post, yeah?

Anyway! Onward to other things.

The back of my neck hurts right now, because it's been in a tight bun for three days straight, and the hair was pulling at the skin, so it's really sensitive. Ugh. I had a three-day drill weekend, where we went to the range to qualify with the M16's. I was lazy most of the day. I didn't technically zero my weapon, because it's not even my assigned weapon - wasn't then and sure as hell isn't now - so I just went out to the zero range once to see where the weapon was going to hit. My first three-round group was crap because I messed up my trigger squeeze, but the last six rounds that I fired were all in a fairly good shot group, with one exception where I messed up my breathing. That shot group was a little below - and by little, I mean, like... half an inch - the target, so I knew all I really had to do was aim a little higher up than my perceived center of mass on the faraway targets.

And so, this time, instead of my first time Go at 27 of 40, I fired a first time go with a 33 of 40. Holy crap! Haha. A bunch of the sergeants were wondering why I hadn't left the zero range yet, and why I waited until they closed it up to go down to the qualification range. I just wanted to be lazy, so I stayed up where it was coolest. Then I went down, joined the firing order that was about to go out, since I was a first-time firer and had the right, went out to the range, qualified, and went back to being lazy.

And then, after drill today, once we'd signed out after taking care of all our gear and stuff, I was ready to go home, when my squad leader came up to me... and assigned me to the damned SAW (which, incidentally, is the weapon being used in my icon). Now, that thing weighs a really horrible amount, and I've no idea why I was assigned it. You'd think the person with the worst rifle qualification would get it, wouldn't you? I mean, since it fires three to five rounds every time you give the trigger a standard squeeze? I mean, if you can't hit your targets with that, then something's wrong. You'd think they would leave the rifles to the people who can actually aim worth a damn.

Oh, well. I'll be going out to Fort Benning sometime in August, prior to our Annual Training. At least, I'll more than likely be going out to Benning. I have to sign up for the class and what-not, but I'll do that tomorrow morning when I go back to the unit to take care of some stuff. Anyway, the class at Fort Benning is for the SAW, to teach us how to use it and such. And I figured, I might as well go, get paid to learn this crap, and qualify on it and everything, since I've been assigned the damn weapon. No harm in that. Although I will, apparently, have to help teach once we get back, because the six of us who're going to end up going are supposed to bring this knowledge back and show everyone else in the unit how to properly maintain, fire, et cetera the Squad Automatic Weapon. Whoop-de-freaking-do.

In other, non-military related news: my idjit ex-boyfriend, Nigel, lost my phone number, asked my friend for it, and texted me today. Apparently he just wanted to check up on me and see how I was doing. terioncalling hadn't informed him of where I was for the weekend, so when she went to his place to retrieve something of mine, I'm sure he was a little bit confused as to why I wasn't with her.

I missed his first two texts, incidentally, because I was taking a much-needed nap after my much-needed shower. I texted him back when I woke up saying sorry, I'd been asleep 'cause I had a long weekend, and did he need something from me, which is when he told me that he'd just wanted to check on me, and what happened during my weekend. So I told him about being out at the range and stuff.

Haven't gotten a response from him in a while, though, so I dunno what's going on. I give him an A for effort, though, at least. I mean, he's at least making an attempt to keep in touch with me, which was his idea anyway.

Anyways! I think that's all the news for now. More later.

And yes, gasp away. It's another real post! OMG!



Love you all, anyway.

nigel, reality, army

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