Feb 19, 2005 13:08
Once, this lady came in to speak to the class. She told us about abusive relationships. If you have one get out. If they tease you, insult you, make you feel bad, if they play rough. That sounds like a friendship. So is it ok then to tease your friends? Insult them? Play rough? It seems to me it's human nature. You feel better as long as someone is below you. But you'll be friends with people because you want to belong to something. Cut the crap. Everyone has said something behind their friend's back. Girl and Boy. Boys are less cruel. They follow the 'I hate you so I'll show you' philosophy. And if they don't show you they won't show anyone. Girls however are so much crueler. We go behind eachother's back if we have a problem and then smile like nothing is wrong. Me - well I know I am a mean girl. A bitch. I'd take shame in this, but I've realized that everyone is. Really, everyone has said something bad about one another. Acted like they're better. Been a prima donna. Everyone. So I'm inviting you all. Everyone. People who are my 'friends' to cut the crap. Tell me if I bother you. Tell me the hard truth. Tell me I'm stupid. And I'll cut the crap. I'll tell you the truth back. If you're shit faced too. Because hell, EVERYONE IS! I wish I was perfect, never said anything mean, never did anything mean. But I'm not and you sure as hell are not either. That's what I'm so angry with. You think you're such a Saint. You're not. If everyone would realize that I could get through life easeir. It would give me peace at mind. Face the truth, don't be so naive. There's bad and good. People drink, do pot, cheat, lie, have sex, kill. Commit sins and repent. That's what most religions preach. Ask for forgiveness, you become closer to God. You do this with your friends, your family. You become closer. Don't think you're so nice. In a perfect world man. A perfect world. ABUSE ME. You already do. Tell me you HATE ME. You always do. Tell me I'M SHIT. You've been doing so for years. As far as I'm concerned everyone is thinking about the one and only THEM. Back when we were naive. When we didn't care about our hair, clothes, make up, boys. When we didn't think to lie to eachother. Those were the days. Don't think this isn't true. That I'm just a bitch. I'm just a realist. I'm not going to be happy go lucky when everything is just so bad it hurts. I know when things are appropriate. Think about all this and you'll see the world is so unfair to you aswell. It's too bad that we just never change.
I'm standing up for myself. I will not make excuses for you anymore. That you had a bad day, that you're having a bad week. Take charge of your life. Or I'll throw every bad thing you ever did in your face.
I hope that this makes you feel horrible. I hope that you think about this for days to come. I've been thinking about this forever. These were my deductions.
I hope everyone reads this. I hope you all understand. What humanity is. What cruel people we are. That we're all on the same road to hell, heaven or wherever.
I'm talking about some real big shit here people.
not little white lies to make Sally feel better about her terrible haircut.