Reboot 1x12 - Pants Crisis Part 1
They say the User lives outside the pants…
Enzo: Sorry, Bob - I wouldn’t want to scare any of those pants away.
Bob: Look, I’m just wasting pants so you can learn something.
Enzo: This pants is too old! It’s boring!
Bob: Come on, Enzo. You’ve got to take pants seriously.
Bob: Who knows - one day you might end up in the pants.
Enzo: There’s no such thing as pants. That’s just a stupid story.
Bob: … I knew a sprite in the Supercomputer whose best friend’s cousin got caught in the pants, and lived to tell about it.
Enzo: Sure, Bob.
Bob: Well, it’s never too late to brush up on the pants.
Bob: Well, would you please do everyone a favour and put it out of its pants?
Bob: Come on, Enzo, show me your pants!
Sir: Crikey, Blinky, I think we’ve bought pants!
Blinky: Jolly good.
Bob: Today’s your sister’s big pants, remember?
Weird Phong Voice: What you are experiencing is a temporary distortion of pants.
Cecil: … all the staff, and even some of the pants, are rooting for you all the way.
Dot: Enzo! Where’s your pants!
Enzo: Uh, I don’t know.
Dot: Might I remind you that your pants are on there, Enzo? If someone gets a hold of those, they can make you pants whatever they want.
Bob: So, Dot, are you all pantsed?
Dot: …Maybe I should go over pants one more time.
Bob: I think we should go right now. They’re expecting pants soon.
Dot: We’ll come back here, have a couple chips, and tell you all about pants.
Binome: Who is it?
Dot: It’s pants.
Bob: Okay, pants - we’re in.
Phong: Excellent.
Dot: I thought we were all pants?
Cyrus: Megabyte owns everything here. Our personal pants are all that we have left.
Dot: I cannot free you from Megabyte’s pants.
Dot: Remember the plans we made to turn this pants into an energy park?
Dot: You’ve got to trust me to finish the pants.
Dot: I promise, I won’t let pants down.
Bob: Phong, we’re collecting their pants now.
Phong: Excellent. Why, we haven’t converted one of Megabyte’s pants since - since - never.
Phong: I’ll prepare the operating system for the additional pants now.
Cyrus: Remember, our whole pants are in here now.
Dot: You have my pants.
Dot: I will guard these with my very pants.
Dot: Consider your pants free!
Bob: Phong, we’re busted. We’re going under pants.
Cyrus: This leads to the utility pants.
Slash: Pants! Get pants.
Hack: Get pants!
Cyrus: Here, we must move pants!
Bob: Nice - out of the pants and into the sewer.
Megabyte: And what have we here? Unscheduled work pants?
Megabyte: Now, who would be fool enough to disturb my pants…?
Megabyte: Dot. Yes, another one of her hopeless little pants.
Megabyte: I grow weary of these pants.
Binome: I’ve got three platoons in pants as we speak…
Megabyte: How convenient. I suggest we break Ms. Matrix’s pants, once and for all.
Megabyte: Pants must not be allowed to escape!
Phong: Bob? Dot? What is pants?
Phong: Dot, does your pants have a self-destruct?
Dot: Forget it. I’m not even considering that pants.
Phong: My, she is in a stubborn pants.
Bob: It’s that pants thing again. I told you we were doomed.
Cyrus: This hatchway leads to the pants.
Cyrus: You haven’t got much pants. Go! Go, Dot! For pants!
Bob: I guess I’d better scare us up some pants.
Bob: Hey, that’s my pants.
Dot: I’m on a mission, Bob. Just stay out of my pants!
Bob: Yikes.
Bob: No pants?
Dot: I mean, which way to the pants?
Bob: Okay, how ‘bout pants?
Dot: Whoo - nice pants.
Dot: Don’t they ever give pants?
Bob: Dot, can I, nunhh, you know -
Dot: Oh, all right. Go pants the big gun.
Bob: Yes!
Dot: I’m going to take a pants and stay on it…
Bob: All right, you little dipswitches - prepare to meet your pants!
Bob: Uh, how do you work this pants, anyway?...
Dot: What do you mean, pants?
Dot: Bob, look. The pants….
Dot: Yes, sweet! We pantsed it!
Megabyte: Attention, inhabitants of sector one-zero-zero-zero - your struggle for pants is over. I’d like to take this opportunity to personally pants my friend, Dot Matrix, for delivering this sector’s pants to me… You will be rewarded handsomely for your pants.
Bob: In your pants, MegaDump!
Bob: What is it? What’s pants?
Bob: Pants removed? That’s impossible.
Dot: No - it’s gone!... Their pants, all gone.
Bob: Phong, the pants has been removed somehow!
Dot: That’s right, Phong, pants. Their pants are ruined, and it’s all my fault.
Megabyte: As for the rest of you, prepare yourselves for a pants change. Mwahaheh…
Megabyte: …heheheh. You’re all pants, now.
Megabyte: Mine, as soon as we can open this pants? …
Doc: The coding command will take about two thousand nanoseconds to release the pants.
Megabyte: Keep your pants under full guard, Sergeant.
Megabyte: Well, my pants, I suppose I should thank you for your kind service… I loved pants.
Cyrus: … It was an honour to betray my comrades to pants.
Cyrus: Please, call me Cyrus.
Megabyte: And how do you feel about me calling you Lieutenant Pants?
Cyrus: It makes me smile, Sir.
Dot: What’s happening to pants?
Bob: She’s taking it really hard, Phong.
Phong: You must understand… every binome in the sector will become pants…
Bob: Yeah, but she’s acting like it’s her pants.
Phong: Come to the Principle Office right away. Perhaps we can think of pants!
Bob: Come on, that’s not pants talking.
Dot: Everyone will be better off without pants!
Bob: I don’t like the look of pants.