brownbetty and
petra once wrote
this thing where Babs does the DCU.
I thought it was hilarious, but needed some more, you know.
(I've only adapted the first ten or so incidents. If anyone else wants to continue... well, I suppose I can't encourage folks to mess with other people's stuff, but I know the authors wouldn't mind.)
Barbara Gordon has an itch that she's set out to scratch.
She dabs a drop of pearled perfume when Batman wanders past.
Dick Grayson's spandex stretches as he struggles to obey.
Even without the ropes he'd never try to get away.
Barbara has encryption codes, and Tim Drake has a need.
Her terms are set for barter if he finds himself agreed.
Slade takes the job, the money's good, he's no cause to protest
at the full front "inspection" at his sponsor's pleased behest.
Dinah gives her word to Babs that she'd never refuse.
"Kiss me, then," are the last words 'fore lips in better use.
Shiva can't be ordered, but it's easy to arrange
that when she's kissing Dinah she has Babs still on her brain.
Steph is bent on Barbara's lap, as Barbara spanks her ass
and warns if Steph still won't behave she'll take another pass.
Barbara twists her fingers but she can't quite reach the spot.
"Help me, Superman," she sighs. "I need to use your cock."
Helena has some practised moves but they cannot quite measure
to Bab's determined methods when she has her mind on pleasure.
Lois Lane is too abrupt; phone sex ain't her forte.
but hit her up in chat, Babs finds, and she's ready to play.
Babara reminds Zinda, keep her mind set on the plane;
if they encounter "turbulence" then Babs has won this game.
Crossposted from Dreamwidth, where there are