Okay, so. I am slightly tipsy, having just missed
the target where that would be useful and instead hit the one where I have to go back over my typing several times. :( And also the other one where I LOVE YOU GUYS, YOU ARE THE BEST. YOU.
So! I know I owe everyone stories and feedback and post and, uh, reading of LJ posts, and I'll get to that eventually. But, for now, I JUST LOVE YOU GUYS, OKAY, AND YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT.
0100111 - you write brilliant everything, and although I know there is a .001% chance you're going to come back to LJ and read this, it is a chance totally worth waiting for.
__marcelo - I spend half the time wishing I had your brain. You are brilliant with the type of post-scifi concepts I admire, and you do MATH and CODING also and I am jealous a little, okay?
_angelicorn_ - your legion fic makes my smile.
_ming - I LOVE your artwork. Seriously. It makes me feel like I know you, to see it, the lines and the colours and the beauty.
admiralkatt - you are not around very much but you amuse me when you are!
angiv - I love you because of when we were both in GO fandom, and if you ever come back to LJ, I'd be interested to know what you're into now!
(... I suspect there are a lot of people for whom that is my answer. I don't usually take people off my feed for not updating, because it's not like they clog up my flist and, anyway, maybe they'll come back someday...)
annechen67 - you know who is awesome? The new Blue Beetle. You know who else is awesome? People who realize that!
athene_51 - CANADIANS WHO LOVE MATTHEW GOOD BAND UNITE! Actually I am listening to "Alert Status Red" right now, which is not my favourite, but says really a lot.
avariel_wings - you are funny! Um, in the haha, laughing with you sense - I love the way you put things.
baked_goldfish - You say interesting things about fandoms that, okay, aren't my primary fandom, but most interesting things about my primary fandom are depressing and, lets face it, lacking in appreciation of GUS. (I actuallly deleted not-Charlie and wrote it is proper, so you KNOW I am a serious Karen.)
bravecows - I love you in just general, okay! You are an excellent writer and also an excellent fanfic writer in the places where they don't ovelap, and you make proto-lawyering sound much more neato than I actually believe! Also, sometimes I see elephant statues and I think of you (but invariably they are $200 or something, and I don't love you THAT MUCH SORRY).
brown_betty - I spend my other half of a time wishing I had your brains! And your attention span, esp.! It is really impressive what you accomplish when you decide to, and fandom is a *measurably* better place because you are in it!
buggery - You are excellent and slightly twisted in the way that makes fandom a better place. (I mean, I still can't make myself ship Bruce/any Robin ever, but you make me think I am missing something for it.)
butterfly - You have great taste in shows, as is evident by that fact that you watch (and do meta on) mostly the same ones that I do!
caia_comica - DEAR CAIA. YOU ARE MY SPECIAL FRIEND. I love you like Comet the Super-horse loves, um. Lois Lane. That is, because you were accidentally turned into a horse one time!
carmarthen - I approve of your approval of Rick Yune's hotness! I feel we should have a club where we write poetry celebrating his cheekbones. PS, I'm in awe of your sowing ability. 4srs.
cereta - You are very smart, which, as we have a significant overlap in fandoms, works way to my favour!
copperbadge - You write excellent, plotty fic.
corialis - It's the British Authored book fandoms (British Authors: Awesome, or So Awesome?).
count_fenring - You are rather wacky, and seem almost hopeful it is contagious!
daegaer - Okay, so we have drifted really really far apart as far as fandoms go, but you are a wonderful writer and have interesting links and posts on religion or history that are NEAT.
derryderrydown - I am in AWE at how you are AWESOME. (To the point where your coworkers are conspiring to have you take over the company, apparently, that is the pattern I'm getting.)
devilc - You appreciate the Shade a proper amount, so obviously you will be somewhere far away from the wall when the revolution comes.
differenceblog - I don't always agree with your conclusions, but I find the gender research thought-provoking in general.
dine - When you're writing about RL, it is interesting, and then as bonus sometimes you write about Torchwood!
divalea - You are talented and brave and kick-ass and deserve a rocket-launcher. I mean, I hear they are even legal in the States. You should put one on your Amazon wishlist.
dryponder - I really enjoy your drawing style. There's a lot of love in your lines, it is easy to tell.
finkenstein - Your comic ROX0RZ.
foreverdirt - You are my favourite Katy. I mean, if there was a contest for Katys who were my favourite, you would for sure get the golden prize.
gileonnen - You make sure to spread the love, always and no matter what, and that is to be admired. And the expression in your latest comic (1st page, 3rd panel) cracked me up, although maybe this is what comments are for?
greenygal - My chat logs would be bereft of all sorts of amazingly fun crackiness if you weren't around.
hannahrorlove - You come up with zaniness! And there is never enough zaniness in the internet, despite rumours to the contrary.
holli - Fannish overlap, baby! And what you say about them is interesting
hradzka - You are a brilliant writer, in both your fiction and non fiction posts.
ivyblossom - librarians are love!
j_bluestocking - Dogs are really great, and your recent posts remind that yes, I agree with that statement.
jamjar - Because anyone who can see that Vril II is an amazing character gets love. (Although not actually from HIM.)
jarodrussell - You've got a way of looking at things from a different angle than most of the fandom I hang around, and it's appreciated.
katarik - We sort of glance off each other's character preferences, but you've always had cool things to say.
kerithwyn - It was old school Legion that got us together! So to say. You've not been around much of late, but that is okay, I remember!
kingofbreakfast - HAI, you are are famous TV and comics writer who has written stuff I appreciate. FULL POINTS.
lcsbanana - You're hilarious, full stop! Only, please never stop, I take the bit about stopping back.
limyaael - Intelligent and thoughtful writing essays, although you left LJ a while ago. :(
lolcomics - I approve of anonymous internet entities that approve of my genious!
louiselux - Because you haven't left GO entirely! (Shh. I can pretend.)
lovelyzelda - You have an excellently cracked out brain, and this one time you wrote Alan Scott/Riddler to make me happy AND IT WORKED FOREVER.
m_butterfly - You're one of the strongest and most intelligent fans I know, and you've got a sharp sense of humour.
maelithil - If it wasn't for you, I'd not have had my 15.2 minutes of famous. TRUTH.
marag - You are thinky and write fun stories and have great taste in comics!
minisinoo - Your x-men fic is lovely.
musesfool - I find your writing meta interesting, and sometimes you write in my fandoms, so that's always good!
nostalgia_lj - LOL Torchwoods for the victory dance.
odditycollector - NUFF SAID.
pandap - You vanished forever ago, but your icon made me happy back when that was not the case.
penknife - Your stories break my heart over and over.
petronelle - I am a little bit in love with your Starbuck. This is never going to end well, is it?
planetalyx - I haven't been around the mainland much of late, and your posts make me homesick. But in a good way!
poisonivory - As your official sockpuppet, I think my love for you is contractually required!
rageprufrock - You write a hilarious McKay.
raincitygirl - You link to things which are fascinating and REGIONALLY APPROPRIATE. I... am missing Vancouver, it is true.
razhden -I love your eye for pictures. I do not speak your primary language, but I don't have to.
rozk - Everything you post is fascinating reading. Everything you write about becomes, to me, a little more real.
shyday - You have fun things to say about shows I enjoy. My reading list misses you.
snowballjane - You shared my love of GO, way back when, and I enjoy your RL posts also.
sparcck - your fic stars delightfully disturbed people.
teekoness - You care about making the world a better place, and you actually do stuff about it. And since you're a local, this means *my* corner of the world is better for it.
thecakemaster - It's been forever since you've updated, but your interests are my interests, and you used to have this crazy habit of paying me compliments.
thefourthvine - There's no one quite like you, tfv, and the internets can't ever afford to lose you! There would be, like, a petition or something. I WOULD SIGN IT.
thete1 - I'm not sure anyone's done more for the cause of fan-written porn. Certainly not for *comics*.
trollprincess - You make my flist a specialer place. And if it wasn't for you, my "Blasphemy" icon would not have been created.
vagabond_sal - I don't love you, Jeffs! Sorry. All this time, LIES. ESPECIALLY NOW.
vejiicakes - Your artwork is so much fun!
villainny - Your stories are great fun to read. Even though it is SGA of late, and not, like, a treatise on "why the things Karen likes are the bestest things ever, as argued through fic." But I guess I can love you anyway! ;)
wabbitseason - You own a copy of The Superdictionary. How awesome is that? And you tend to be right about comics stuff.
wcg - Your posts make my brain bigger.
*disclaimer: this is not the full list of people for whom I have love. It's not even the full list of people I'm subscribed to.
OMG, you guys, I think I am all sober by now. I must really mean it, then!