It's my journal and I'll whine if I want to

Oct 17, 2011 12:09

I don't work for a huge organization. It's a good size, but it's reasonable to assume that the coordinators communicate with one another. So why is it that they often don't seem to be on the same page?

Last year there were a lot of days where all the kids were picked up well before six o' clock (when program ends). This happened often enough that I called my coordinator and asked her what I should do if I had no busywork left (program planning up to date, dishes and general chores done, records accurate and current) and all the children were gone. She said to note it on my time sheet and just head out early. No problem, I could do that. It happened maybe half a dozen times last year (if a kid left any later than five thirty I'd find something to do till six).

As of October I have a new coordinator. I sent in my time sheet and mentioned that I left at 5:30 one day because all the kids had been picked up by a quarter after five. I promptly received a rather curt email informing me that all supervisors are expected to stay until six. Well, if that's the case why didn't anyone mention it last year? It's not a big deal, I'm not in trouble or anything, it just irks me that my new coordinator was 'tsk tsk'ing at me for something that the previous coordinator told me was perfectly acceptable.

And what really bothers me is that I now come across as irresponsible when most supervisors simply leave when all their kids are gone and never make a note of it, so they get paid for time they don't work. I didn't feel comfortable doing that (admittedly more because I was afraid of being caught than because I had any great moral problem with it), which is why I spoke to my original coordinator in the first place. Had I just kept my mouth shut like everyone else does she would never would have known.*

Whatever, I guess there was a miscommunication somewhere, probably on my part, but it just makes for a lousy way to start the week. I should have gone over procedure with the new coordinator, but I assumed it was the same throughout the organization.

*Well, not everyone else leaves early without telling anyone, but most I talk to do

first world problems

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