Book fair day 0 (setup).

Mar 23, 2009 16:48

I got my first battle scar of book fair during setup, so the rest of the week should go swimmingly.

In years past, the large rolling cases (which unfold into a hinged pair of shelves) topped with boxes of merchandise and supplies have been delivered to the school's front doors and rolled through the hallways to the room where the fair will be held. This time, for reasons unknown to me, the cases were unloaded from the truck curbside, we pushed the cases down the sidewalk alongside the building and in through an exterior door adjacent to the room we were using.

Once you get a loaded case moving, it's easy to keep going, but with the away-from-the hinge wheels on swivels and pushing from the hinge end, I discovered I list to the right... and so did the knuckles on my right middle and ring fingers. It looks worse than it feels and now I am sporting some awesome camouflage fabric band-aids from my stash.


After we got things roughly laid out, I stapled 200+ coloring pages up in the hallway. It looks fine head on, but from a shallow angle to the wall you can see that I have about a 2 cm variance from level on my first 10' run. I was not annoyed enough by it to pull out several dozen staples and rearrange.

During this time, I discovered some of the kids had written messages (other than their name, grade and teacher's name) on the back of their pages. Among the third graders, I found "P.S. I work hard" and "Please pick me, I have been waiting for five years to win this!". Too bad we don't look at the backs in judging or I might have been swayed a little bit.


Also I learned that the clock in the classroom that book fair is using gets stuck around 10:30, so I did not realize I had missed Laurel's lunch time until about an hour after the fact.


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