Want to see La Cucaracha in the Washington Post? VOTE!

Mar 28, 2003 00:15

Slightly edited from Lalo Alcaraz's official mailing list. For those of you not familiar with him, he's a satirist and nationally-recognized editorial cartoonist. Lalo also happens to be one of my personal heroes and a fellow beaner. This is your chance to vote for diversity in your comic pages!

Cartoonist Lalo Alcaraz's daily comic strip, La Cucaracha, is being considered by the Washington Post to join the daily lineup. Lalo's only the third Latino ever to get a syndicated comic strip if you count Baldo, but the strip is status quo and doesn't do anything edgy so he's sort of a stretch to include.

They ran 6 strips in the Post on March 26th, which you can see online. Please call in and vote for the strip! To vote, call 202-334-9000 and enter 5620 as the code. It'll take you to a very short recording and then you vote. La Cucaracha is the third strip mentioned. You can also vote by e-mail (one vote per e-mail address) by mailing lacucaracha@washpost.com with YES in the subject line.

Lalo's strip is political, funny, and it's got four young adults in East LA -- totally unheard of in safe, family-friendly COMICSTRIP USA. When has free speech and exposure to differing viewpoints ever been so important? Vote early, vote often.


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