
Aug 26, 2009 12:59

I left off somewhere in July.

That was before the ambulance/overnight hospital stay, the 1400 mile roadtrip down to Memphis, the convention in between, and my most recent heartbreak.

I'll summarize.

The hospital was my fault. I fainted and hit my head on the floor, it bounced, an ambulance was called. They were more concerned with why I fainted than if I had any head injuries, so they scanned my chest and saw something. I had to stay overnight, hooked up to all sorts of obnoxious machines, IVs and all. Dillon slept in a chair by my bed. Nurses had to disconnect me so I could go pee, and if I rolled over the machines started beeping frantically. All in all, a shitty night. In the morning after a CT scan, it was discovered that the "something" that had been seen was merely some scarring from pneumonia. Pneumonia that I wasn't aware had occurred.

The roadtrip was amazing. Neither Dillon nor I had ever done any sort of driving like that before. Mind-numbingly boring, with endless stretches of interstate, driving in which you notice that your steering wheel vibrates and damn if your hands aren't starting to go numb. It was good. We got to talk more, to navigate, to discover our mutual zombie apocalypse plans (just in case).

The convention was amazing. It was more Dillon's thing than mine, but even I could appreciate something on that scale. We wandered around for most of it, listened to some panels. He got some of his favorite authors to sign things for him, and I got to see Patrick Rothfuss speak, a personal favorite of mine. We bought an HP Lovecraft boardgame we're going to play together at some point, time and space permitting. I'm pretty psyched, Lovecraft being one of my personal authorial heroes.

Heartbreak. This morning I drove the boy I love to the airport. We collected his tickets, I saw him off through security. I waved and I waved, and I watched until I couldn't see him anymore. I held it together until I walked out of the airport. This kind of thing is so hard. You love someone and you have to keep leaving them, over and over again. It's especially bad now because we've been so close (distance-wise) since January. I moved to Vermont for a semester - he was only a 2 hour drive away. I drove over every Thursday afternoon, drove back every Monday morning. In the summer we lived together.

It's terrible and it's sad and life isn't fair, but my tears will dry. Life is generally good, things will return to normal, and I'll see Dillon in December, around Christmas. Amanda and I are going to see The Decemberists in Nashville next month, so that's something to really look forward to.

relationship, summary

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