Happy to be different

May 23, 2005 17:15

I love watching Tango. Even if it's just a dumb tire commercial, the tango gives violent sex appeal to the subject.

And complete opposite of appealing: I went to my first wedding this weekend.

Ok, ok, it wasn't as bad as I anticipated. Tommy's cousin got married, so I had to deal with the whole clan PLUS the Catholicism. I find it amusing that even if a person doesn't go to church regularly, he remembers what to say--brainwashing? I think it might be. Also amusing: the whole sitting-standing-kneeling sequences. Thankfully no one said anything about my obviously not being Catholic... I'm still awaiting the day they find out I'm really not *anything*, hehe. I just had to survive Tommy's dad introducing me to everyone: "this is Tommy's... girlfriend?"
Me: "Yes, girlfriend."
T's dad: "...I wasn't sure if I could say you were something more..."
Me: "No."
Anyways, I took notes on what I wouldn't want any future wedding of mine to include, although such an event--if it were to happen--would not be any time soon. ;-) Then it was on to the reception, which wasn't bad. I was buzzed as we left to go to Daniel's party.

Oh, the party. The house is nice, although I'm not entirely sure who the roommates are. The peach vodka and Sprite was certainly not the best combo, which only further proves that many of the people at that party are indeed worthless [you can't even recommend a good drink, eh? Eh??]. A lot of so-so company, and I heard more details of drunk people's supposed lives than I would've preferred.

Yesterday was brunch, once again with the entire clan. This time is was complete with CHILDREN. Oh, the monsters... it's incredible to see what some parents will allow to occur. Tommy's dad asked if I wanted to feed Hank [Tommy's youngest nephew] so I could, you know, practice for whenever I have children. I said no. I was trying to make sure the kid's gooey hand didn't touch me; I'm not big on messy kids.

I may have just graduated, but damn if I can't postpone becoming an ultra-grown-up. I'm still teaching the boy style, some etiquette, and uh... trying to get him to think a bit unconventionally.
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