So - I’ve not finished any more of the fics I’m working on, but looking at picspam ‘inspired’ me to put together this little tribute (e.g. - I was bored and this was a washing-up avoidance tactic).
I do love my web-comics, and one particular beauty is Chopping Block (, the everyday life and times of Butch: Serial Killer.
I don’t know what it says about me that I like this sort of thing (ok, I do know what it says - and by the way you’re slowly backing away, gentle LJ reader, I can tell you do too), but what can I say?
Severed kitten heads make me smile.
Just a stray thought - but I hate Microsoft Word.
What is the point of having a ‘paste special’ facility if when you pick supposedly ‘formatted text’ it changes random sections to Times New Roman pt.12?
Anyhoo - here’s comicspam
Because it’s October…
Because living ethically is so important…
But so are manners…
Just because
and lastly - Tribute to Women, Butch Style