In other news...

Jun 25, 2008 18:09

- People are stupid and cannot read their email and Outlook should have an option to ping back an automatic 'You're a Moron' reply. A button that caused a small hammer to spring from the other persons monitor and bonk them on the head would be just dandy as well.

- Every user of Microsoft Office should have the opportunity, nay - the right, nay! the obligation to punch Bill Gates in the face at least once during their lifetime.

- I'm going to set up an shop. Now I just have to actually make some stuff to sell. And find buyers tasteless enough to purchase it.

- I am now obsessed - absolutely, completely, consumingly obsessed with Rodney/John SGA fics, and I'm in despair because I've got bloody years of them to get through and no time to do it in because I have to do irritating things like work, and finish my own fics, and eat, and sleep. Non important stuff that is standing in the way of my reading about John Sheppard getting fucked. *sulks*

- With regard to my own writing and SGA, I am trying my best to avoid getting press-ganged onto the good ship McShep, sailor on the sea Atlantis, but I can feel the plot bunnies creeping up behind me like some demented, Leporidaen version of Grandmother's Footsteps.
I'm getting Future Predator!Dave and Rex to hold them off while I finish the magnificent octopus that is the Bat 'verse (and am trying to drag my mind away from thoughts of dinosaurs - IN SPACE! [like 'Pigs in Space' but DINOSAURS!...IN SPACE!!] Let's just deal with them on earth for now, thank you very much brain)
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