After the events of last night's episode of Lost, this song has been running through my head a lot.
Back in 2003 a remake of the film Willard appeared, starring the wonderfully creepy Crispin Glover. Somebody thought it was a good idea to have Crispin Glover record a cover of Michael Jackson's 1972 song
"Ben" to go along with the film. They were right. It was a good idea. His version of the song is pretty good. What wasn't such a good idea was letting Crispin Glover direct the music video. Because Crispin Glover is completely insane. Swarms of rats? Check. Ladies in lingerie? Check. Ladies in lingerie who are apparently turned on by swarms of rats? Yeah. Also, I'm pretty sure that Hitler appears as a background character in this music video. Enjoy.
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