I finally, finally, finally finished a real draft of "Win" today. Finally. This is what happens when I have deadlines. I don't think I'm going to post it publicly on the internet, because it contains too many things stolen from my own biography for comfort. I may post a f-locked version here in the future. Who knows?
It was a hard story to write, but I'm glad I did it.
I'm bunkered down in my thesis desk because I'm far from done tonight. A little Jon Raymond to clear the palate, and then I'm writing a 5-page fictional response to Gogol's "Diary of a Madman" for my Gogol and Dostoevsky class. I've been very
wrapped up in books this semester. I wonder if that's contributing to this senioritis feeling of only half attending school, as if part of me has already graduated and left Reed far behind. Reading/writing all the time is a lonely pursuit, and I think I need to actively remind myself to seek out other people and not live entirely in Thesis Land.
Also, I think I may have discovered that the lead male singer of Belle & Sebastian has such a distinctive singing style because he never really moves his lips.