Jun 21, 2004 16:10
Well, back home now. No, we don't live that far away. I was watching RotK with my sis, who fell asleep with about twenty or so minutes left. I swear, Sam's gay! Did you hear Frodo's voice over? Something about he can't be pulled in two anymore (Frodo and Rosie) and has to be whole for years to come (loyal to Rosie). O_O Haha! I finally found proof!
Well, anyway, my math class was okay. The kids were fun! Haha. Hella freshmen! w00tw00t! ^^ At the beginning, Conners as all like, This class isn't a television! It's a video game, you have to be active and push the buttons! So, of course, everyone starts pushing imaginary buttons on their desk. xD He was cool tho, just laughed until we stopped. About halfway thru the class, my sis came in and I was all like, What the fuck!?! I couldn't talk to her cuz she was across the room, but afterwards I was all like, What were you doing in my class? What about yours? And she was all like, My teacher kicked me out! They had too many students, so, evidently, a buncha kids got kicked out of the class. So funny. We went to her class after to see if she can come back tomorrow and just sit on the ground like she did at my class, and he sort of ignored her and talked to the other people. When he left, hella asian kids were following him down the stairs, and I think to his car or something. Haha. Desperate for something to do, I guess. Or..something..
Well, at the library when we were waiting for my bro (his class is two hours longer) I got on the computer and found out there wasn't any time limit, so I went ahead and typed up a post for CTS. It's sooo crappy! Haha. Hella short..only about twenty-eight lines when 3/4 screen on 800xwhatever resolution. God, I hate that. It makes everything hella big! It makes the pic of Celia look really blotchy, too. I'm off to find another pic for her..tata!