Title: First Kisses
Author: Merlin's Sister
E-mail: michemerlin1@aol.com
Rating: PG
Disclaimers: The Stargate: Atlantis characters are owned by the almighty MGM. Just borrowing them for a bit of fun. No point in suing me anyway. I work in the public sector.
Pairing: Multiple Pairings - het and slash
Archive: Just ask.
Summary: Their first kiss.
Spoilers: Only in story 1.
Author's notes: A series of stories for some of my favourite pairings’ first kisses. I meant for them to be all in one drabble post but have decided I just don’t do drabbles. :D All unbetaed so bizarre spelling and grammar all down to me.
1. Weir/Beckett 2. McKay/Cadman 3. Sheppard/Heightmeyer 4. Dex/Kusanagi 5. Weir/Cadman