(no subject)

Dec 27, 2010 15:51


All I asked for was a Wii (specifically the red one, because I'd been wanting a Wii for a while and then they came out with the red one and I was like DUDE GET ME THAT ONE), which I got. Her name is Ginger. I never got a Wii before mainly because I couldn't see myself playing it all that much, and also I knew my parents probably wouldn't get it for me. (Back when I had a job I probably could have bought it, but I didn't have the interest at the time. I was buying YARN and DS GAMES) My interest has grown in the past year or so ESPECIALLY after seeing this year's Nintendo E3 press conference...KIRBY'S EPIC YARN and also Skyward Sword of course! NEED WII. And now I has Wii! I've been playing New Super Mario Bros a lot and I SUCK SO BAD. ;_; Going out tomorrow to buy more games and a controller. Wooo.

However in addition to that my mother got me a framed print of Gromit (you know, Wallace and Gromit) knitting in bed. It's actually a scan from the calendar we had way back when. It looks really nice and I hope I can find a place for it in my room at school!

BUT she also got me FIVE POUNDS OF WOOL for spinning. FIVE POUNDS. I can probably make enough yarn for 2-3 sweaters with that. So. Much. Wool. She told me she thought she remembered me buying $100 worth of wool one time so that's what she did. I never bought that much wool at a time...I bought 2 pounds one time because I thought I was going to spin enough yarn to make ONE sweater. Haha. I'm thinking of dyeing some and finally starting an Etsy shop. More preparation must be had however.

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