End of Time/S5 Trailer rambly-poos.
THERE WAS NO DOCTOR/MASTER SMOOCH GAAAH. I wanted a kiss. :[ RTD I'm glad you're gone, I'm sick of you, you cocktease.
Haha I loved all the speculation on the net like "WILF IS GONNA BE HIS DAD" and then he's like "I'd be proud to call you my Dad." hahaha lolz. way to predict it almost right, internet.
Okay, so, I loved Ten's sacrifice for Wilf. That was great and I almost cried (I didn't cry though, wtf, I didn't shed a single tear at this finale and I like, bawl every time I watch The Parting Of The Ways, go figure), BUT WTF STOP ABSORBING SHIT. Die more creatively for crissakes. Nine: Oh, lemme absorb the Time Vortex to save you, companion. Ten: Lemme absorb this radiation to save you, companion. (not to mention Three also died from radiation poisioning, though that's a bit different) When it's time for Eleven's run to come to an end, for the love of all things nice and good, please don't make it because he had to absorb something to save someone, or because of some kind of poison. DO SOMETHING MORE INTERESTING.
I loved all his little goodbyes:
Except wtf Martha/Mickey? I'm not going to lie, part of me was thinking it in the back of my mind when I watched Journey's End, but that was kind of a fanon-only thought that I didn't actually WANT to see. What happened to Tom, hmm? YOU WERE ENGAGED TO HIM. I suppose freelance Torchwood was too much for him to handle. :\ That's why I will always love Rhys, cuz he can handle Gwen being in Torchwood even though he's a bit of a lump. xD Don't get me wrong though, I'm glad we saw some Martha & Mickey fighting together. I soooo wanted that to happen!
Jack/Alonso FTW! I'm one of the ones who, at the end of Children of Earth was thinking "well now Jack has to go out, romp across the stars, get all that grief'n'shit out of his system, then get himself a boytoy and bring him back to Earth." Well guess we found our boytoy. ;] Not that I should call Alonso that. Cuz he's better than that. But come on, Alonso on Torchwood? Yes, mmm? Or is that too much? Is that just a heartless replacement of Ianto (NNNNG IANTO I MISS YOU, MY SOUL IS CRYING)? Anyway, I APPROVE.
I loved Rose's appearance SO MUCH. I liked Rose a lot, but honest to goodness when you rip someone away from me like that you better keep them gone or my poor little heart won't know how it's meant to feel. So after Journey's End, I was worried when I saw the shots from filming with her in them. But that was the most perfect way to say goodbye ever. Doctor finally got his closure, finally got to say goodbye the way he was meant to. And so sweet. "I think you're going to have the best year ever." GOD WHY DIDN'T THAT MAKE ME CRY, WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? I was smiling so hard. So sweet. So perfect. Awwwwww. I think all of us, both the lovers and the haters, can finally be satisfied that she's not coming back.
NOM NOM MATT SMITH. Okay, regeneration lolz. First I was like WHY IS HE DESTROYING EVERYTHING and then I realized, well duh, obviously they need an excuse for why Moffat is totally gutting the thing for Season 5...har har. The fact that he freaked out over being a "girl" tickled me to death so. EEEEE loved it. And STILL NOT GINGER. One day, Doctor, one day. Until then though, you will have a multitude of gingers thrown at you and you will abduct them into the Tardis in hopes that they will give you their gingery secrets.
I liked Geronimo the first time, and then I watched the trailer and was like hell no, if this is his catchphrase I will be annoyed. It makes me think of when I was a little kid and we used to jump off of [what we thought were] tall heights holding on plastic bags and trying to parachute. Ehhhh.
River Song better get gone pretty soon. Blech.
YAY YAY WEEPING ANGELS YAY. Silly Moffat, taking a piece of your RTD-era legacy back with you. I approve though. :P I just hope the story doesn't let me down! Blink is one of my favorite episodes ever. Yumm. I think asking for some more Sally Sparrow might be too much (though I've been wanting it for ages, please Moff), but c'mon Moff, she's one of your girls, plz? If River Song can show up maybe just a little bit of Sally? Like maybe they go into the video shop once for no reason. Just a snippety. Plz. ;_;
STOP WITH THE KISSING. GAH STOP STOP STOP. NO. KISSING. It's hard to analyze when the clips are soooooo fast but the close up makes it seem like she's coming onto him, but then when they pull back HE IS SO GETTING INTO IT. NO WHY DOKTAH WHY. ;_; you're only allowed to get it on with girls of the outward appearance of young twenties if THEY ARE ALSO OLDDDDD TIMELADIES. grrrrrr Moffat, you got some 'splaining to do...and you better 'splain this away or I will cry.
Everything else though? Yeah well done, you. Imma like this Matt Smith dude whose face looks like soft dough with his eyes pushed in by someone's thumbs. haha don't deny he looks like someone got into a can of Pillsbury biscuits. Don't get me wrong though, he's pretty fit. Shame on me for being a fangirl but I've sorta been one ever since they announced him. e_e Not that much though. Well, that holds true for as long as it takes me to join
doctoreleven (which shan't be long).
my mood says satisfied but that may be a lie. I'm not sure how I feel. melancholy? bittersweet? nostalgic? kinda empty but kinda excited. There's been so much David Tennant for so long, I've loved him and his voice and his hair and fallen ridiculously head-over-heels for that gorgeous brown suit. Sort of like, you thought it would never end. Despite having seen New Who chronologically, I knew Nine was gonna be gone so Ten is really my "first" I'd think. And it's been quite a while (though not as long as Harry Potter was). buhhh no more DT is going to be weird. weird weird weird.
brb, off hoarding eleven icons.
I'll try for these to not all be pictures of my cat[s]. Well, in a week they definitely won't be, so maybe I'll indulge a little bit.