ME3 Demo

Feb 14, 2012 15:31

Well, that was underwhelming.

The demo's split up into two parts. Part one, you're on Earth, and Reapers attack, and we see how Bioware has been trying to take cues from Modern Warfare in that it A: Tries to incorporate action and things blowing up into the central gameplay and B: Uses tacky sad war music and dead children to hamhandedly try to tug at our heartstrings. This section is just 100% narm.

Part two is protecting the krogan female. I would name her, but Bioware apparently didn't think it was necessary to do so, and thus everybody just calls her "the female." She never sees fit to correct them. Possibly because this is just a male krogan model in a niqab that doesn't want to push its luck, IDK. I think I was perhaps expecting more than a save-the-unnamed-princess quest... and I was definitely expecting to at least SEE the Krogan females, but I guess that would have taxed their design team, so we continue the trend of no female aliens for you. Normally, I'd be cool with there being approximately no visual differences between the species, but given that Bioware's refused to do that with the rest of their alien races and marketed a lady Krogan as something new, I wanted more than a boy Krogan in a dress.

Also, Shep's face is weird and broken, is that just me? I don't think it's just me.

crossposted from dreamwidth, but you can comment in either place

bioware, video games, mass effect

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