Now, now.

Mar 16, 2005 14:06

Now students!

While conducting the first meeting of the newly regrouped 'Deulist Club' I heard many a muttered quiery which I, sad to say, was unable to answer at the time!

(For those of you temporarily blinded, forgive the method of my response!)

This club has not been regrouped because we are in any kind of danger! Merlin no! Why I regrouped this club to instill a bit of competative spirit back into you, my most treasured and valuable students, as I assure you, you are despite my previous shouting in the hall. None of you are "rat-finks".

In creating this club I am hardly a loose canon whatever that terminology is supposed to mean. I am merely a sponsoring teacher holding sessions of a club requested of me in private. Who were these students so embarassed and weak-willed that they failed to exhibit themselves publicly as the creators of said club, you ask?

Why if I were to tell you it would unsettle them and mayhap trigger an unfortunate demise! Ergo, I cannot, in good conscience, answer any questions related to the matter.

I assure you, they do exist.

Now now, good cheer and warm vibrations around. Align your chakras students and we shall move you forward into the land of defense and tournament quality dueling!
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