10. True Blood - 20in20

Feb 16, 2010 14:26

20 icons of the show True Blood for tv20in20



THEMES AnimalFamilyNo BackgroundPainReading


CATEGORY - Relationships Relationship 1Relationship 2Relationship 3Relationship 4Relationship 5

ARTIST'S CHOICE Artist's Choice 1Artist's Choice 2Artist's Choice 3Artist's Choice 4Artist's Choice 5

PLEASE: Leave a comment// Credit// Do not Hotlink// Do not alter// Enjoy!

Notes: Relationships are as follows:
  1. Bill and Sookie
  2. Jessica and Hoyt
  3. Eric and Sookie
  4. Jason and Amy
  5. Godric and Eric

tv show: true blood, graphics:!icons, graphics:!20in20, challenge

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