Title: Stars
Pairing: slightly implied Frank/Gerard
Rating: PG13 for language
Summary: When the power does go out, it's as if the world had packed up and moved to the sky.
Author's Note: Written for the natural disasters challenge at
mcr_100. Exactly 150 words. First place winner.
The news say there're storms in all the wrong areas, that there's a good chance of mass power outages. Gerard waits for it all evening, chainsmoking cigarettes on the back porch, watching the lighting cut across the night sky.
When the power does go out, it's as if the world had packed up and moved to the sky. It's instantaneous, the way the darkness above them lights up as everything else is swallowed.
"Shit! Aw, fuck, where's the flashlight?" Mikey's voice is coming from somewhere inside, in the darkness. Gerard can't really focus on it, it all seems so far away.
"Hey Toro, where'd the- fuck! Motherfucking ow shit damnit-" Bob's cursing eventually fades to mumbling as he moves further inside the house.
Gerard is still staring at the sky. He can just barely feel Frank sitting down next to him. "Who knew there were so many stars in Jersey?"
Title: Rushing
Pairing: none
Rating: PG13
Summary: You hear the crash and roar and thunder getting nearer, punctuated by screams and gurgles.
Author's Note: Written for the natural disasters challenge at
mcr_100. Exactly 150 words. Tied for second place win.
When the sirens go off, they already seem far away. Muffled. Delayed almost, as if they're just an echo of a disaster. They ring, on and on and on, drilling through your skull. Nobody moves. Nobody looks up. You've already said your goodbyes.
You hear the crash and roar and thunder getting nearer, punctuated by screams and gurgles.
Then it's all water, spilling and filling everywhere, soaking and covering and seeping in through the smallest cracks, the littlest holes. The moment seems to stretch, that last second your eyes get to make their way around, to see the fear and pain and resignation twisting the faces of the people around you. Your band mates. Your friends. Your family.
Then all goes under the rushing current. Water in your eyes, in your lungs, lifting and carrying you. The world spins around and over and through you, smashing, swirling, swallowing. Then gone.