So back on the 22nd January I recced a music video that combined Boondock Saints and Supernatural brotherly love. You can check it out
over here. Anyway, I hadn't seen
Boondock Saints and the music video made it look so cool I decided to rent it.
All I can say is is that this music vidder is one fantastic editor and has an incredible eye 'cos Boondock Saints is a mess. All the elements are there for an incredible movie but some how it all fails to hang together. The editing was a mess and I have a suspicion that someone lost their nerve. Whether it was the producers or the director, I'm not quite sure, but there was so much potential there it really hurt to see it wasted. And can I say again, the editing sucked rats through a straw?
Fortuitously our esteemed vidder had a keen eye and a deft touch and gave us three minutes of sheer bliss.
Note: I hated Willem Dafoe's portrayal of a gay FBI agent, all stereotype, no heart or realism.