to quote my friend Ammon: "the dude's a-Biden."

Oct 02, 2008 23:05

Joe Biden almost made me cry during that debate. I knew the bit about his wife and kid dying in the car accident weeks before he was sworn in (and that he decided to commute three hours a day from Delaware so he could raise his sons as a single parent, and has commuted from Delaware since). And I've actually been hoping ever since that he would bring it up if only to counter Republican assertions that the Democrats are for the erosion of family values. But the context in which he described his experience was even more perfect, and hit home for me.

It's pretty widely acknowledged that we're currently in a serious shit streak as far as the economy goes, not to mention that things on the international front aren't too stellar either. All night, Sarah Palin was dodging questions and attempting to give pep talks--basically, being avoidant. Now mind you, avoidance is fine if it's, like, on the scale of going out to get a pedicure because you had a bad day. Avoidance is not, however, the best M.O. when it comes to larger issues like, ya know, governance. I mean, sure, I wish we could stimulate the economy in a vibrating chair and, after giving all of the troubled banks a relaxing peppermint soak, use a pumice stone to slough away our national debt, but that's just not how it fucking WORKS.

Tonight Joe Biden demonstrated the kind the gravity that I desperately want to see in this nation's second-in-command. Yes, he could have killed it a bit more than he did, but he acknowledged the gravity of our current situation at home and abroad and, unlike his opponent, provided concrete solutions rather than cheerful, nebulous babble. I agree with Biden that if we want to fix a problem, we need to understand it first. Intelligence, judgement, concern--those are the traits I want my leaders to possess. And that's pretty much all I have to say about that.
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