:-) ok,
I've been looking at my degree progress all night trying to figure out what the next year of school will be like for me. I found out I don't need to take a class I thought I did because in my greedy efforts to take as many photo classes as I could my large format class fills one of the more random (new) requirements for the BFA. This makes me glad because now my spring and final semester will be hotly adorned with Senior project, History of Photograhpy, and a comm class yet to be determined. As for the fall, I know I'll be busy with critical theory and digital photo (cause I know I'll do more than expected). I'm looking forward to being creative again.
Summer =
US hist, and IT <--A few BS classes to get out of the way nicely.
Fall =
Crit Theory, Writing for artists (bullshit), Digi Photo, Editing, and Music in motion pics (stoked).
classes I need to take to graduate (including this summer):
-US History
-Information Tech
-Critical Theory
-Writing for artists
-Music in Motion Pictures
-History of Photography
-(some COMM class)
-Senior Project
classes I don't need to graduate:
-Digital Photography <--This is the last real photography class at Mason I haven't taken.
I started at Mason only going to school cause it was expected of me. My two brothers went and graduated. Practically my mom's whole family did the same (coincidently FROM Mason as well). So the pressure was too great to just blow off college and work for a while. I took on Art Studio (photography) as my major and I haphazardly took all the photo classes I liked and sprinkled some gen eds in there. Then I realized I had a shit load of gen eds and the fun sorta ended. I also took on a minor (Film and Media studies) to avoid finishing spanish. At the end of my 6th semester I had over 15 classes left to take. I planned them out and took a years worth of them. Then this term I decided to apply make my degree a Bachelors of Fine Arts, which basically means I'm more serious about my art degree. This added a few more classes. When I'm finished next year I will have over 150 credits of schooling.
It has ALL been worth it. For some reason my whole life I've had some masochistic tendancy to make things harder on myself. Maybe it's cause I find things to be too easy, or maybe I'm just a fool, but it happenes and I often choose to do things the hard way. Taking the more difficult route the last few years has made my education MUCH more fufilling than any other way possible. I feel like I've given myself the education I wanted, instead of one that was drawn out for me by some cataloge or what I HAD to do for a degree. Even if I can't be accredited every single thing I took, I definately know it'll all come in handy somewhere sometime.
Ok that's enough...I'm tired.
I think I've ended up liking school a lot. But I've had to make it my own. It's like BJ explained to me today: We're given forms or molds for everything we do, and we have to make what we can within those molds in order to satisfy ourselves while satisfying the masses. (this was in the context of talking about art as a product, but I feel like it applies here very well.) I took the form of "college" and made it my own experience that only I could benefit from. At the same time I get my degree, which makes many other people happy (my parents, employers, etc.)
I rule :-)
g'night all