Ok, in spirit of doing everything the hard way, I've now gone and made myself a homemade steadicam apparatus to use for my movie.
This is what it looks like. I found it with google...I love google. So practically as soon as I found it and read it all, I went out to Home Depot and bought all the parts and made it...$19 and about 20 minutes worth of my time....AND IT WORKS!!! It really does. It totally adds the feeling of smoothness to walking around with it in my house. I was going pretty fast with it, which makes for poor composition, but if I were to follow someone walking in front or behind, it would look very awesome. I can even mount the camera close to the floor for low angle shots. It dissasembles for easy transport and it basically has interchangable parts since it's made of just normal plumbing pipes. Now I'll be thinking of ways to improove on the design and make it damn sweet :-P
Oh yeah, and I've been doing a lot of research for my senior project(due in a year) so I'm hoping to get started on it this summer.
Why am I so freakin' excited about school? Where did my old lazy care-about-nothing self go? OH yeah, I lost it when I finished my gen-eds, hehe. Anyhow, this week is still looking a might shady...I'd better get all my shooting done or I'm gonna be pissed pissed pissed. Ok I'm done :-)