Mar 04, 2009 10:22
Been finding myself really bored lately, but I know why. Raiding in wow right now is pretty lame, We cleared all the content on 10 man months ago and are struggling with 25 man even though the content is no different, so even though we've never done it on 25 man it still feels like failing to be able to do something you've done before which is pretty irritating to say the least. I guess that's the joys of raiding though, feeling like a number of other players in the group are fucking retards because they can't seem to grasp the idea that fire hurts or that they need to be beneath a magical shield to take less damage.
Don't get me wrong though, I'm finding it easier to keep myself entertained lately, even if it means taking a break from games and just sitting (or in my case, lying on my bed) and watching a movie or a couple episodes of some show. I've even got back into watching anime a certain amount of the time, which is a good thing. I've got probably.... 20 dvds of stuff I haven't watched yet.
I still wish I had a D&D group or just general table top gaming group though, cause that was always fun.
Random side note - I still can't decide if I like my beard or not.