(no subject)

Feb 20, 2019 05:11

I had a whole page written out and then my comp restarted and dw decided not to save my typings so... *shrugs forever*

It was about how much I'm enjoying The Passage. Like, I don't know if I'd like it as much without MPG, because MPG seems to be enjoying himself and he seems like he really likes the little girl and it's all very sweet. And also I have feels about Jared meeting this not!Peter (I keep forgetting that his name is Brad...? like who names a character Brad?) and not!Peter is soft looking and strong and brave and not afraid of dead bodies and is very good with children and is also hauntingly hetero, but, like, he still looks like Peter and it kills Jared. I also don't know if there was a new episode of Monday because I forget that this show is on Mondays.

Things that are also on Mondays is I Am The Night where Chris Pine plays a drugged up reported who's life is a disaster and in the first episode he gets beat up by the cops and he has war related ptsd and I love him because he's garbage.

I keep trying to watch Project Blue Book, which is the History Channels new fictional series that's based on, uh, project blue book... but they went like full in and are like 'the aliens are totes real' and they kinda have some gay russian housewife shenanigans going on (or they would if they weren't cowards), but I find it very hard to pay attention to, even though it airs at least six times during the week, but I watch episodes repeatedly and still don't entirely know what's happening.

The Orville has been very romance heavy lately, which would normally turn me right off, but, idk, there's just something, like, really sweet about everything The Orville does and so I'm just sitting there dying over the cuteness of Clair and Issac and crying that an alien is getting sentenced for being too hetero. (also, Brotus def needs a divorce) Still don't want Ed and Kelly back together tho. (did entirely love how high Seth's voice got with his little 'oh no...' is the latest ep... I'm also really enjoying seeing him eat things on screen. He was dodging it in the first few eps if the first season, but I like that he's maybe feeling more confident about it now)

I missed one of The Magicians eps, but caught the latest one and every single time I'm just entirely shocked that Josh is... you know. Like, gasp out loud shocked that I keep forgetting about it. And I don't really care about Q, but him being so tragically sad over El is love. I also entirely bought the thing about El, but then it was okay, probably. I also also still love Penny!23, even if he's not the same as orig!Penny. His devotion to Julia (I'm glad about her status) is presh.

The last episode of Cheyenne always gets me. The sheep. The doneness. The wandering. It's all so amazing. I cry.

I've been watching Maverick more cause it comes on after Cheyenne. I think I can basically tell the two apart now. They restarted the series from the beginning and they just played the first ep with both Mavericks and at the end of the ep they had the girl of the week talking to Bart with Bret playing poker, Bret says that he'll be right back, they close zoom on the girl and when she looks back over Bret's standing there and Bart's gone to the poker, like, oh hey I'm back... and it was such a blatant 'these character's are interchangeable and we will interchange them' I almost couldn't believe it. (also, because I'm an old school deviant who doesn't care about fandom's sudden poohpoohing over fictional incest... they've totally traded off during sex like that)
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