2013 in Review & New Years Resolutions

Jan 02, 2014 12:29

2013 in Review:

  -organized mine and Paul’s 300+ DVD collection
  -taught my girl scouts book arts and jeweler badge
  - adopted Esper, our parrotlet
  -was promoted to media engineer, a full-time position at the library
  -went to Moab with my girl scouts
  -stumped my general practitioner with my stomach issues, got a referral for a GI specialist.
  -went camping in 9-mile-canyon with my family
  -Ash, one of our hamsters, passed away.
  -met with GI specialist, and tried some things to treat some of my symptoms.
  -Smokey, one of our hamsters, passed away.
  -went to Wendover for my Dad’s birthday-won $400 on the penny slot machines!
  -went to Wendover for Paul’s birthday-won $200 on the penny slot machines!
  -worked on a digital film badge with the girl scouts
  -second appointment with GI specialist, scheduled a gastric emptying study, endoscopy, and colonoscopy for stomach issues.
  -turned 28!

Whew! Definitely some good and some bad in 2013, here's hoping that 2014 is even better.

How did I do on my 2013 New Year Resolutions?

Not too great... unfortunately. 1.25 out of 3 resolutions.

1. Eat in way more, eat out way less.
I think we did alright on this resolution. There was bouts of unhealthy eating throughout the year, but I think relative to what we were doing the year previous, we've definitely improved it. I'd say that this one was a success overall. I do think we could improve more on this. Maybe eating even more healthier, and eating out even less. It would be ideal to never eat out (except socially with family or friends). Maybe I should keep track of when we do actually eat in vs. eat out to get an even better understanding of our diet and health.

2. Work out more days that not.
This resolution I did not do. Apart of the problem is that I procrastinated and didn't actively try to make time for the gym. When I tried to make up for loss time by crash coursing working out more times than not, I did start to go more regularly, but not more times than not. I still have a lot of progress to do on this one. Working out 1 or 2 times a week isn't 4 times a week.

3. Use my ballet punch pass.
Total bust. I did not use it. I am too fat for my leotards (although that's not necessarily required to go to the class), and so I didn't go. Also, the dance company altered their schedule so that I only have one day a week I could go (Monday) and I find going to the gym on Monday after work was the best time (no one else wanted to go to the gym after work on a Monday). All other times after work is a crazy mad dash.

New Year Resolutions for 2014

1. Work out more days than not.
Yeah, I'm redoing this resolutions just because I can. I am going to make more of an effort, because I've gotten fatter than I have been for a long time. I am still "young" and so why not make life changing decisions when it will be "easy". I bought Paul kettlebells for Christmas, and I plan on using them. We have also considering buying an elliptical. The hardest part of going to the gym is actually driving out to the place. If I had it at home, I do think it would be easier. We are also wasting money by paying for the gym membership.

2. Use my ballet punch pass.
I love ballet, and I miss doing it. So what if I am fat and feel ashamed? This will help strengthen my core. This will help me get in better shape. It will be hard, and require effort. Maybe I'll make a friend? Maybe not, but if I don't get out more this next year I am in danger of becoming a recluse.

3. Be kinder to Paul and my family.
I can be a pill sometimes. I need to work on treating the people I love with more respect and kindness. They deserve better, and I need to be better. My relationship with Paul is the best relationship I've ever been in, if I want to make it last I need to love unconditionally. I need to make an effort to be invested in the lives of the ones I love.

4. Make an effort to be more fashionable.
Lately I've been lazy towards what I wear. Going more for comfort rather than looking presentable. Apart of the problem is that my closet was so jam-pack with clothes that didn't fit me anymore, that I just got stuck in a rut of wearing a few select things and not really trying. I have cleaned out my closet over my winter holiday break, and only have things that I fit in hanging up. The rest has been sorted into size, and will be vacuum stored until I can fit in it, or decide to get rid of it. Hopefully this will be a motivator for weight-loss.

5. Make an effort to be more creative.
Honestly, I feel like I've been in a big rut of nothingness. I feel like I haven't been doing anything worthwhile, and before I complied that list of what I did in 2013, I thought "I did nothing this year." Even now, that list is slim pickings. I am going to improve the quality of my life. I am going to make 2014 a year worth remembering....

6. Make an effort to document my life.
Whether it is through facebook, instagram, or livejournal. I am going to make more of an effort to document my life. I can't even remember the last picture I took of myself because I felt good about myself. When was the last time I felt good about myself? When was the last time I took pictures of what I'm doing? What have I been doing beyond those few journal entries. I may never remember all the details of 2013, maybe I don't need to, but eventually I will look back and wonder what was going on in my life during this time, and I need to remember, because who else will?

7. Figure out my life.
I'm almost 30, and yet I am in a job that I practically hate and has no future. I am pleased with the money, the benefits, but the job itself I am sick of already. I mainly spend 9 hours everyday finding things to entertain myself with. I AM WASTING SO MUCH TIME. Spring semester should have more things to record, which might make me like my job more, but as of right now I feel my job is really unfulfilling and pointless. This also makes me feel unfulfilled and pointless. I need to get off my ass and do something already. I also want to make 10-year goals. For my birthday, my sister Andrea made a comment that when she had her 28th birthday, she was in labor for her first kid. It kind of spurred on a lot of comments from my family that I am slacking big time. It really freaked me out though. I remember thinking that Andrea waited so long to have a baby, and here I am, the same age she is and no where ready to have a kid. Sure, Andrea and I are different people, but having a kid at this time is no way interesting to me right now. That being said, I am getting along in years and I need to start considering the idea of having children, and whether or not I actually want kids. I talked to Paul and we decided that by 35, we need to make a decision on whether or not to have kids if we haven't already. Before we start thinking about kids, I want to actually know what I want out of life besides love and family.

Whew, that's a lot of resolutions, but I feel like 2013 has been just me bidding my time and being unproductive. I have a lot of issues to work out, and I am done with sitting passively and watching my life pass by me.

new year's resolutions, goals

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