Jan 28, 2012 14:49
I got a flat tire on the way home yesterday. I looked at my cellphone and then my back right tire hit something in the gutter. Unfortunately I can see the finger sized hole in the tire. A lesson to learn: don't ever look at your cellphone while in the car. The other day I read in the news that an 18-year-old girl posted to her facebook, "I can't discuss this matter now. Driving and Facebooking is not safe!" before she had a fatal car crash. I suppose getting a flat is the least of the consequences of my actions.
Things I want to buy, and/or things I need to buy:
Tires for car: $100-$130/tire: ~$200 total
Bike tire tubes: ~$10/tube: $20 total
Humidifier for one room: $50 (crane)
wake up light alarm clock: $100
quality Bag/purse/satchel: $30-$100
+ all my bills :(
I need tires for my car, and unfortunately you've got to buy them in pairs. I've already bought two tires for my car but I can't remember if they were the front of the rear. I'll have to go inspect them, but no matter which tires they were it is no longer in the warranty range.
I need to start biking more. I hate being fat, and obviously biking more would give me results. I don't think I'll bike during the winter (so, I have some time to fulfill this), but this takes into account of me doing it all myself. I probably would have to take it to a mechanic to get it tuned up-- more money wasted.
Humidifier isn't really necessary. I wake up with a dry/sore throat and it's because I'm a mouth breather at night plus living in Utah where it is always dry doesn't help. I use to believe I got my morning sore throat from bad habits, but I have since quit those habits and it still persist.
The wake up alarm clock was in an article about methods to get you out of bed in the morning, and on my days off I am incessantly tired. I sleep way too much. I know that some of my medications have side effects of drowsiness, and I probably have some sleep problems (sleep apnea?) but the idea of getting a sleep study is totally out of the question at this point of time-- so maybe this alarm clock would work. Not a necessary purchase.
The purse/bag/satchel isn't necessary either, but it has been my experience that I buy bags and they are generally 1) not big enough to carry all of my stuff around, 2) fall apart too easily, or 3) just boring and I end up disliking it. I bought a bag from the arts festival about 3-4 years ago and it is in shambles. I haven't found anything like it that I've like as much, but right now the lining is separating from the bag and occasionally essential items (like my phone, keys, wallet) go into this "secret compartment" and I end up hunting in my bag for an infuriating amount of time only to realize that it slipped between the lining. I even check the lining and not always find it the first dozen attempts. I bought some fabric to make a new bag, but I seriously doubt my sewing skills to make a bag that isn't extremely flawed. It will give me something to do besides sleeping all the time!! Hopefully my efforts wont be in vain.