Nov 08, 2005 01:31
nothing makes you regret your life choices more than standing alone in a crouded place because none else smokes, the worst part is it is getting cold!
i ran into a group of people yesterday i had not seen since high school, a few of them i had regaurded as friends, and i had one huge realization, i had out grown them
they spoke of high school like it was some magical place were everything made sense and the entire world was in reach and all they could say was how they wish they were back there, not me,
if you no anything about me you know how i feel about my own past, and when i talked to this crowd i could not help but feel as if they were all hollow, like nothing they had done since high school had ment anything to them,
who knows
i have one more bit of news, and amy and lindsey are going to kill me over it
due to my lack of money and the fact that in a few short months my parents are moving to a far off and yet to be anounced location, i have made the hard decision that in order to help my family and not complicate things i am going to remain at nku for atleast one more semester
i am sorry, i am realy sorry to you lindsey, i have made a few promises over the summer and in true "Seans a screw up" fassion i have not kept one of them
i still plan to return to wku, the only problem is i don't know when i can do it
i hate when nothing i want to do seams to happen, i want to go to western but i cant place that strain on my familys fraid nerves
luv you all
insaneoman out